Out-of-Province Secondary School Students

Brock University has a long standing tradition of welcoming applicants from other Canadian provinces.

General admission requirements

  • Secondary school diploma;
  • Grade 12 courses at the number and level specified for your province (see below);
  • A minimum average of 70% (many programs require a higher average);
  • You must meet English language proficiency requirements.

How we calculate an admission average

  • Prerequisites are calculated in the admission average.
  • In provinces where provincial exams are written and passed, the better of the two grades (in-class grade versus final blended in-class and examination mark) will be used to determine an admission average. If an examination is failed, the final blended mark (in-class and examination mark) will be used.
  • There is one exception to the above rule: The final blended mark will always be used as the English prerequisite requirement.

What we need to make an admissions decision

Brock will make an admissions decision upon receipt of an academic secondary school transcript that shows a minimum 3.0 final Grade 12 results, and registration in second semester Grade 12 courses. We will accept a transcript or grade report from your secondary school guidance office for the purpose of assessment, but we will require a final official transcript as a condition of any offer).

Prerequisite subject requirements/average guidelines.

Canadian provinces: course equivalencies and general admission requirements

• A minimum of five academic Grade 12 courses, including program-specific prerequisite courses numbered 30 or 31, must be completed through a school that is inspected and approved by the appropriate Ministry of Education.

Ontario Grade 12 coursesAlberta, NWT, and Nunavut equivalent
ENG4U - English English Language Arts 30-1
MHF4U - Advanced FunctionsMathematics 30 or 30-1
MCV4U - Calculus and Vectors Mathematics 31 or Calculus AP
MDM4U- Data Management Mathematic 30-2
SBI4U - Biology Biology 30
SCH4U - Chemistry Chemistry 30
SPH4U - Physics Physics 30
FEF4U, FIF4U or FSF4U - French French 30
  • A minimum of five academic Grade 12 courses must be completed through a school that is inspected and approved by the appropriate Ministry of Education.
Ontario Grade 12 coursesBritish Columbia and Yukon equivalent
ENG4U - EnglishEnglish Studies 12 or English 12: First Peoples
MHF4U - Advanced Functions Pre-Calculus 12
MCV4U - Calculus and Vectors Calculus 12 or AP Calculus
No equivalentFoundations of Math 12 (can be used to meet math requirement for any program that does not require one of the mathematics courses above)
SBI4U - BiologyBiology 12 or Anatomy & Physiology 12
SCH4U - Chemistry Chemistry 12
SPH4U - Physics Physics 12
FEF4U, FIF4U or FSF4U - French French 12
  • A minimum of five academic 40S-level credits that cover a minimum of three different subject areas must be completed through a school that is inspected by the appropriate Ministry of Education.
Ontario Grade 12 coursesManitoba equivalent
ENG4U - English English 40S (comprehensive or literary or transactional focus)
MHF4U - Advanced Functions Pre-Calculus Mathematics 40S
MCV4U - Calculus and Vectors Calculus 45A or Calculus 45S or AP Calculus
No equivalent Applied mathematics 40S (can be used to meet math requirement for any program that does not require one of the mathematics above)
SBI4U - Biology Biology 40S
SCH4U - Chemistry Chemistry 40S
SPH4U - Physics Physics 40S
FEF4U, FIF4U or FSF4U - French French 40s
  • A minimum of six Grade 12 academic courses at the 120, 121, or 122 levels must be completed through a school that is inspected by the appropriate Ministry of Education.
Ontario Grade 12 coursesNew Brunswick equivalent
ENG4U - English English 121 or 122
MHF4U - Advanced Functions Pre-Calculus 120A and 120B
MCV4U - Calculus and VectorsCalculus 120
MDM4U - Data Management Foundations of Mathematics 120
SBI4U - Biology Biology 121 or 122
SCH4U - Chemistry Chemistry 121 or 122
SPH4U - Physics Physics 121 or 122
FEF4U, FIF4U or FSF4U - FrenchFrench 120,121,122 or Francais 120,121,122
  • A minimum of six academic courses (two-credit value) at the 3000 level, including program-specific prerequisites. Courses must be completed through a school that is inspected by the appropriate Ministry of Education.
  • If you complete Mathematics 3208 with an average of 80% you may be eligible for university transfer credit.
Ontario Grade 12 coursesNewfoundland and Labrador equivalent
ENG4U - EnglishEnglish 3201
MHF4U - Advanced FunctionsMathematics 3200
MCV4U - Calculus and VectorsMathematics 3208*, or AP Calculus (AB/BC)
*Those who complete this course with 80% or above are eligible for one university level half-credit
MDM4AU - Data ManagementAdvanced Mathematics 3200 or Mathematics 3201 (can be used to meet math requirement for any program that does not require one of the mathematics above)
SBI4U - BiologyBiology 3201
SCH4U - Chemistry Chemistry 3202
SPH4U - PhysicsPhysics 3204
FEF4U, FIF4U or FSF4U - FrenchFrench 3200, 3201 or 3203, Français 3202 or 3230
  • A minimum of five Grade 12 academic or advanced courses must be completed through a school that is inspected by the appropriate Ministry of Education.
Ontario Grade 12 coursesNova Scotia equivalent
ENG4U - EnglishEnglish 12 or English 12 African Heritage
MHF4U - Advanced FunctionsPre-Calculus 12
MCV4U - Calculus and Vectors Calculus 12
MDM4U – Data ManagementMathematics 12 (can be used to meet math requirement for any program that does not require one of the mathematics above)
SBI4U - Biology Biology 12
SCH4U - Chemistry Chemistry 12
SPH4U - Physics Physics 12
FEF4U, FIF4U or FSF4U - FrenchFrench 12
  • A minimum of five academic courses at the Grade 12 (621 or 611) level including program-specific prerequisites. Courses must be completed through a school that is inspected by the appropriate Ministry of Education.
Ontario Grade 12 coursesPrince Edward Island equivalent
ENG4U - EnglishEnglish 621A and 611
MHF4U - Advanced Functions Mathematics 621B
MCV4U - Calculus and Vectors Mathematics 611B
No equivalent Mathematics 621A (can be used to meet math requirement for any program that does not require one of the Mathematics above)
SBI4U - Biology Biology 621A
SCH4U - Chemistry Chemistry 611A or 621A
SPH4U - Physics Physics 621A
FEF4U, FIF4U or FSF4U - FrenchCore French 621A, or French Immersion 621F
  • A minimum of five Grade 12 (30) level academic courses must be completed through a school that is inspected by the appropriate Ministry of Education.
Ontario Grade 12 coursesSaskatchewan equivalent
ENG4U - English English 30A and 30B
MHF4U - Advanced FunctionsPre-Calculus 30
MCV4U - Calculus and Vectors Calculus 30
No EquivalentFoundation of Math 30 (can be used to meet math requirement for any program that does not require one of the mathematics courses above)
SBI4U - Biology Biology 30
SCH4U - Chemistry Chemistry 30
SPH4U - Physics Physics 30
FEF4U, FIF4U or FSF4UFrench 30 or French Immersion 30
  • A minimum of six Grade 12 academic courses must be completed through a school that is inspected by the appropriate Ministry of Education. If you are applying from a Quebec secondary school that follows the Ontario curriculum, please refer to Ontario admission information. Secondaire Remedial 5 is equivalent to Grade 11 in Ontario, and will not be used for admission or prerequisite purposes.
Ontario Grade 12 coursesQuebec Grade 12 equivalent
ENG4U - English Grade 12 English
MHF4U - Advanced Functions Grade 12 Algebra and Geometry
MCV4U - Calculus and Vectors Grade 12 Calculus
No EquivalentGrade 12 Statistics (can be used to meet math requirement for any program that does not require one of the mathematics courses above)
SBI4U - Biology Grade 12 Biology
SCH4U - Chemistry Grade 12 Chemistry
SPH4U - Physics Grade 12 Physics
  • If you are applying after one year of CEGEP, you must present a minimum 12 academic courses, including prerequisite subjects.
    • One year of completed CEGEP is equivalent to an Ontario Secondary School Diploma and if admissible, you would enter Brock based on your secondary school credential and may be eligible for an entrance scholarship.
    • Two and three-years of CEGEP studies with a DEC is equivalent to one and two years of college studies, respectively and if admissible, you would be admitted as a college transfer student and may be eligible for transfer credit.
  • Courses in Preparatory English or English as a Second Language are not acceptable for admission to Brock University.
Ontario Grade 12 coursesCEGEP equivalent
ENG4U - English Two from English 603 series or 604 series
MHF4U - Advanced FunctionsCalculus I
MCV4U - Calculus and VectorsCalculus II or Linear Algebra
MDM4U- Data ManagementStatistics
SBI4U - BiologyTwo Biology courses coded 101
SCH4U - ChemistryTwo Chemistry courses coded 202
SPH4U - PhysicsTwo Physics courses coded 203

Applicants who have successfully completed the IB diploma with the appropriate prerequisite subjects will be considered for admission and may be awarded a maximum of 3.0 transfer credits for HL examinations completed at a minimum grade of 5. Applicants, who successfully complete an IB certificate program with a minimum of six subjects, including prerequisites, may also be considered for admission and transfer credit. For information regarding transfer credit and course equivalencies, applicants should email [email protected].

Ontario Grade 12 CoursesIB Equivalent
ENG4U (English)English A SL/HL or English B SL/HL
MHF4U (Functions); MDM4U (Data)Mathematics Studies SL
MCV4U (Calculus); MHF4U (Functions); MDM4U (Data)Mathematics HL/SL
MCV4U (Calculus); MHF4U (Functions); MDM4U (Data)Mathematics Analysis & Approaches SL/HL
MHF4U (Functions); MDM4U (Data)Mathematics Applications & Interpretations SL/HL
SBI4U (Biology) Biology HL/SL
SCH4U (Chemistry) Chemistry HL/SL
SPH4U (Physics) Physics HL/SL
FEF4U, FIF4U or FSF4U (French)French B HL/SL

Advanced placement courses may be used to determine admissibility and also granting of transfer credit or exemption. Applicants who have completed advanced placement courses as part of an appropriate secondary school credential, and who submit an examination grade of 4 on individual results may be eligible to receive a maximum of 2.0 Brock credits. An official AP transcript is required for the evaluation process. For information about course equivalencies applicants, email [email protected]

Please contact [email protected] for questions regarding acceptable academic courses.