Henry Bascom Thomas
A. N. Marquis Co.
Thomas, Henry Bascom, orthopedic surgeon; b. Elk Garden, Va. Aug 17, 1875; s. Thaddeus Peter and Sarah (Price) T; B.S. U Chcgo, 1899; M.D., Northwestern., 1903; m. Louise Downing Wendell, 1904. Prof. Hygiene and physical education, med. advisor, Armour Inst. Tech., 1903-1920 instr. Orthopedic surgery, Northwestern, 1911; prof and head of Dept U of Illinois College of Med., now emeritus; sr. cons. Orthopedic surg. St. Luke’s Hospi, Research and Ednl. Hosp., Ill. Surg. Inst for Children (dir. in charge); chief orthopedic surgeon Cook County Hosp., 10 yrs., Hoem for Destitute Crippled Children, 10 yrs; cons. orthopedic surgeon Municipal Tuberculosis Hosp., Sanitorium and Dispensary, 16 yrs. Orthopedic Surgion, major, U.S. Army, World War. Citation from University of Chicago, St. Luke’s Hospital for 25 yrs. of service, certificate of Merit (U.S.A.) For World War II. AMA (past sec. And pres. Orthopedic sect.), Ill., Chicago med. socs., Am. Orthopedic Assn., Chicago Orthopedic Society (past pres.) Clinical Ortho. Society (past pres.), Amer Acad. Orthopedic Surgery, Inst. Of Medicine, Chicago. Mason (Shriner), Elk. Clubs: University, Rotary, City, Olympia Fields Country; Lake Placid (new York). Home: University Club of Chicago, 70 E. Monroe St., Chicago 3. Office: 30 N. Michigan Av., Chicago. Died March 25, 1958; buried Oak Woods Cemetery.