Dorothy Swaine Thomas
A. N. Marquis Co.
Thomas, Dorothy Swaine. Educator, social scientist; b. Balt. Oct. 24, 1899; d. J Knight and Sarah (Swaine) Thomas; A. B. Columbia, 1922; Ph.D., U. London, 1924; D.Sc (hon), U. Pa., 1970; m. W. I. Thomas, 1934 (dec.). Research asst., Fed. Res. Bank, 1924; fellow Social Science Research Council, 1925-26; research Laura Spellman Rockefeller Found., 1926; research asso., asst. prof. Tchrs. Coll., Columbia, 1927-1930; research asso, asso. prof., Yale. 1931-35, dir. research in social statistics, 1935-39; staff mem. Carnegie Corp. Study of Negro in Am., 1939-40; lectr. in sociology, U. Cal., 1940-41, prof. rural sociology, 1941-48; research prof. sociology, U. Pa., Phila., 1948-1970; professorial lectr. Georgetown U; Washington, 1972-1977; vis. prof. Social Sci. Inst., U. Stockholm Sweden, 1933, 35, 36; cons. N. Y. State Research Found. for Mental Hygiene, Spl. analyst Fed. Emergency Relief Administrn., 1935-36; cons. Nat. Resources Com., 1936-37; chmn. com. on migration differentials, dir. Social Sci. Research Council, demographer Tech. Assistance Adminstrn., UN, Bombay, India, 1957, 63; mem. tech. adv. com. on 1960 census, US Bureau Census, until 1971; former mem. Census Adv. Com. on Population Statistics, until 1972; chmn., Pacific Coast Regional Com. Social Sci. Research Council, 1942-46; dir. U. Cal. Evacuation and Resettlement Study, 1942-48; cons. demography UN Tech. Assistance Bombay and Cairo, 1963-64; vis. prof. U. Gothenburg (Sweden), 1964; U. Uppsala (Sweden), 1971, 72, Ohio State U., 1971; cons. Central Statis, Bd., Sweden, 1965. Recipient Hutchinson Research medal London Sch. Econs., 1924; Fellow Am. Statis. Assn,; mem. Am. Sociol. Soc. (pres. 1952), Am. Philos. Soc. (councillor 1966-67), Population Assn. Am. (pres. 1958-59), Internat. Union Sci. Study Population, Phila. Author: Social Aspects of the Business Cycle, 1935; Child in America (with W. I. Thomas), 1928; Some New Techniques for Studying Social Behavior, 1929; Observational Studies of Social Behavior, 1933; Research Memorandum on Migration Differentials, 1938; Social and Economic Aspects of Swedish Population Movements, 1941; The Spoilage (with R. S. Nishimoto), 1946; The Salvage (with C. Kikuchi and J. Sakoda), 1952; Population Redistribution and Economic Growth, United States, 1870-1950 (with others), Vol. 1, 1957, Vol. II, 1960, Vol. III, 1964; United Nations, Manual VI, Methods of Measuring Internal Migrations (with others), 1970. Home: Bethesda, Md. Died May 1, 1977.