Graham Taylor

A. N. Marquis Co.

Taylor, Graham, sociologist; b. Schenectady, N.Y., May 2, 1851; s. Rev. William James Fomeyn and Katharine (Cowenhoven) T.; A. B., Rutgers College, 1870, A. M. 1873; grad. Ref. Theol. Sem., New Brunswick, N.J., 1873; (D.D., Rutgers, 1888; LL. D., Ill. College., 1897, Rutgers, 1916, Knox, 1921; m. Leah Demarest, 1873 (died 1918); children — Helen Demarest (Mrs. George Wallace Carr), Graham Romeyn, Lea Demarest, Katharine; m. 2d, Mrs. Isabella Bisho McClintock, Nov. 1921 (died 1926). Ordained (Dutch) Reformed ministry, 1873; pastor, Reformed Church, Hopewell, Dutchess County, N.Y., 1873-80, Fourth Congl. Church, Hartford Conn., 1880-92; prof social economics, Chicago Theol. Sem., 1892 —. Founder and resident warden, Chicago Commons Social Settlement, 1894 — . Pres. Chicago Sch. of Civics and Philanthropy, 1903-20; asso. editor The Survey. Editorial contrib, Chicago Daily News. Author: Religion in Social Action, 1913; Pioneering on Social Frontiers, 1930; Chicago Commons Through Forty Years, 1936; Chm. Selective Service Local Bd., Div 39, Chicago 1917-1919, and Bureau for Soldiers, Sailors and Marines, 1919. Home: Chicago, Ill. Died Sept. 26, 1938.


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