Stuart Arthur Rice

A. N. Marquis Co.

Rice, Stuart Arthur, sociologist, statistician; b. Wadena, Minn., Nov. 21, 1889; s. Edward Myron and Ida Emelin (Hicks) R.; A. B., U. of Wash., 1912; A. M., 1915. Ph. D., Columbia U., 1924; m. Chineta Williamson, 1914; 1 son, Stuart Arthur. Sec. Industrial Welfar Commn, Wash., 1913; confidential insp. Dept of Pub. Charities, New York, 1914-15; sup. New York Municipal Lodging House, 1916-17; field rep, War Camp Community Service, 1918; ednl. dir. N.W. Div. Am. Red Cross, 1919-20; instr. and asst. prof. sociology, Dartmouth, 1923-26; prof. sociology, later prof. sociology and statistics, U. of Pa., 1926-40; research sec. for social statistics, Social Science Research Council, 1931-32; prof. sociology, U of Chicago, 1932-33; acting chmn. Com. on Govt. Statistics and Information Services, 1933; asst. dir. of Census, 1933-36; chmn. Central Stat. Bd., 1936-40; asst. dir. Bur. of Budget for Stat. Standards Exec. Office of President, 1940-45; president Surveys and Research Corporation, Washington, 1955-65, advisor consultant, 1965-69. Mem. of the staff Social Sci. Research Council, 1931-32, pres. research com. on social trends, 1931-32. Decorated Order of Rising Sun, 2d class (Japan). Mem. Internat. Statis. Inst. (hon pres 1953-69). Inter. Am Statis. Inst. (chmn. organizing com,m 1st v.p., 1941-50); Internat. Union for Scientific Study of Population; Econometric Soc.; Am Sociol. Soc, Am Statis. Assn (pres 1933), Am. Council of Learned Socs., 1928-32, Social Sci. Research Council, 1937-42; fellow A.A.A.S. (v.p. 1937, 57); mem. exec. com. establishment of Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, 1938-39; Mem. organizing com. Internat Statis. Confs, Washington, 1947; chmn. U.N. Nuclear Statis Commn., 1946; contributions com. U.N. Gen. Assembly, 1951-56; U.S. rep. UN Statis. Commission, 1947-55; mem. U.S. rep Com. on improvements of nat statistics (inter-Am), 1950-55; statis. missions to London, the Hague, Brussels, 1945, Japan, 1947, 1951, 1952; statis. advisor to Govt. of Republic of Korea, 1958-64; U.S. del. to internat. statis. conf., Athens, 1936, Rome, 1936, Prague, 1938, Rio, 1945, 55, Mex. City, 1948, Berne, 1949, Bogota, 1950, New Delhi and Calcutta, 1951, Bangkok, 1952, Ottawa, 1952, Rome, 1953, Stockholm, 1957, Tokyo, 1960, Belgrade, 1965; pres. Fed. Statis, Users Conf., 1957-58. Numerous publications in field. Home: Washington DC Died June 4, 1969; buried Nat. Meml. Park, Falls Church VA.


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