George Amos Dorsey

A. N. Marquis Co.

Dorsey, George Amos, anthropologist, journalist; b. Hebron, O., Feb. 6, 1868.; s. Edwin Jackson and Mary Emma (Grove) D.; A.B., Denison, 1888, LL.D. 1909; A.B. Harvard, 1890, PhD, 1894; m. Ida Chadsey; m. 2d, Sue McLellan. Conducted anthrop. investigations in S. America for Chicago Expdn., 1891-92; supt. archaeology, dept. anthropology, same, 1892-93; asst. in anthropology, 1894-95, instr., 1985-96, Harvard; asst. curator anthropology, 1896-98, curator, 1898-1915, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago; prof., comparative anatomy, Northwestern U. Dental Sch., 1898-1913; asst. prof. anthropology, 1905-08, asso. prof., anthropology, 1908-1915, U of Chicago; Editor writer for Dem. Nat. Com., 1916. Lecturer on anthropology, New School for Social Research, 1925.— Visited Europe, Egypt, India, Ceylon, Java, Australia, Bismarck Arch., New Guinea, P.I., China and Japan for Field Mus., 1908. mem. edit. staff and fgn. commr. Chicago Tribune, 1909-1912, investigating sources of emigration in Italy, Austria, Hungary, Roumania, Servia and Bulgaria, and studying political conditions in India, China, Japan, Australia and South Africa. US. del. Internat. Congress Anthropology and Prehistoric Archeology, Paris, 1900; mem. Jury Awards, Dept Anthropology, St. Louis Expn, 1904; Commd. lt. U.S.N.R.F., Mar. 1918; lt comdr., Sept. 1919; asst naval attaché, Madrid, 1918; lt comdr., Sept 1919; naval attaché, Lisbon, 1919-1921; advisor on Spanish problems to Am. Commn. to Negotiate Peace, Paris. Comdr. mil orders of Avis and Santiago. Author: Young Low (novel) 1917, 27; Why We Behave like Human Beings, 1925; The Nature of Man, 1927; The Evolution of Charles Darwin, 1927; Hows and Whys of Human Behavior, 1929. Home: New York, N.Y. Died Mar 29, 1931.


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