Willis Winfield Clark

A. N. Marquis Co.

Clark, Willis Winfield, ednl. research; b. Ancona, Ill., Mar. 26, 1895; s. Winfield Scott and Nellie (Brown) C.; student U of S. D., 1912-14; A.B., U of Southern Calif. 1916; A.M. 1918; EdD., 1941; grad. N.Y. School Social Work, 1917; m. Ethel M. King, Mar. 16, 1918; 1 dau., June Duran. Field worker, sociologist, Whittier (Calif.) State Sch., 1917-22; asst. supervisor, asst. dir. div. of psychology and ednl. research, Los Angeles City Schs., 1922-30, also lecturer sociology and education, University of Southern Cal., 1923-51; dir. research and guidance, Los Angeles County Schs., 1931-44; consultant in research and guidance to schools and agencies since 1943; dir, research and tech. services Cal Test Bur., 1944-49, v.p. since 1950, bd. dirs. since 1953. Exec. sec. Cal. Council of Research and Gudiance Assns., S. Sect., 1937-49. Diplomate in counselling psycyology, Am Bd Examiners in Profl. Psychology. Mem. Am Ednl. Research Assn, Am. Psychol. Assn., Phi Delta Kappa, Alpha Kappa Delta, Phi Kapp Phi, Mason. Author numerous reports and standardized achievement, intelligence, personality and aptitude tests. Frequent contbr to ednl. jours. Home: Box 494, Pebble Beach, Cal. Office: Cal. Test Bur., Del Monte Research Park, Monterey, Cal. Died Nov. 3. 1964; buried Pacific Grove, Cal.


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