Washington Post

A. Stevenson's "Pacifist" List Denounced by Secretary
Senate Witness Connected With N. Y. Intelligence Bureau
"German Propaganda" List, Says Secretary, Contains Names of People of Distinction and Unquestioned Loyalty—Disclaimed Also by State Department. Many Telegrams of Protest

By Albert W. Fox.

The investigation which the subcommittee of the Senate committee on judiciary is conducting of pro-German propoganda took on a new aspect yesterday when Secretary of War Baker came boldly to the defense of some of the so-called pacifists whose names were contained on a list prepared by Archibald Stevenson, understood to be representing the military intelligence department. Mr. Baker denounced the list and repudiated any suggestion that Mr. Stevenson represented any branch of the War Department. He issued the following statement:

"I am receiving telegrams and letters with regard to a list of persons handed to the Senate committee by Mr. Archibald Stevenson, who is represented in newspaper accounts as a member of the military intelligence division of the War department. Mr. Stevenson has never been an officer or an employe of the military intelligence division of the War Department.

Analyzed Books and Papers

"I am told he and a number of associates have, throughout the war, sought to analyze books and newspaper contributions with a view to determining the opinions of the writers toward the war.

"I personally have no sympathy with the publication of lists of persons classified with reference to their supposed opinions and grouped under general designations such as 'pacifists,' which may mean any one of a dozen things, some of them quite consistent with the finest loyalty to the country and some of them inconsistent with such loyalty.

Jane Addams on List.

"In the particular list accredited to Mr. Stevenson there are names of people of great distinction, exalted purity of purpose, and life-long devotion to this highest interests of America and mankind. Miss Jane Addams, for instance, lends dignity and greatest to any list in which her name appears."

Inquiry in official circles shows that the stand taken by Mr. Baker has the unqualified indorsement of heads of other departments of the administration.

The State Department disclaims any connection with Mr. Stevenson's activities and regards the list as little short of "an outrage upon the American spirit of decency and fair play." Very emphatic comment was forthcoming from State Department officials.

It is regarded as unlikely that President Wilson was informed of this list and himself communicated a desire that Mr. Baker make some public statement.

May Draw Senators' Fire.

The reference which Mr. Baker makes to Mr. Stevenson is likely to draw the fire of senators for the reason that it is regarded as misleading, but the defense which is made of some of the persons on the list is admittedly justified.

The classification of persons like Jane Addams with Roger N. Baldwin, now serving sentence in prison for violation of the selective service act, is described by administration spokesmen as unwarranted by any purposed now to be served by the committee.

Archibald Stevenson, it develops, has been doing work for the military intelligence bureau in New York, and his activities have been on behalf of the United States government and in government pay. Technically Mr. Stevenson was an agent of the Department of Justice, but was borrowed for the occasion of the military intelligence.

Statement at Hearing

A transcript of the examination of Mr. Stevenson by Senators King and Nelson prior to the introduction of the list as follows:

Senator King— If Mr. Pinchot or this organization tried to obstruct the draft law and the proper execution of the laws of Congress, I do not see why they should not be prosecuted the same as other people have been prosecuted. Indeed, there would be less excuse for a man of intelligence than for ignorant men to do so. Have you discovered that in many universities there were professors who subscribed to these dangerous and anarchistic sentiments"

Stevenson— A very large number.

Senator King— And participated in this class of revolutionary and bolshevistic meetings and organizations?


Stevenson— A large number of them mostly among professors of sociology, ecoomics and history.

Senator King —It seems to me that this is a good time for the States and those who have control of the universities to look into the matter.

Senator Nelson— I should like to get a list of those professors.

Stevenson I have here a "Who's Who" that I have prepared, giving a brief biographical sketch of them.

Senator Nelson— When you get to them give it to us. I think the American people ought to know those professors.



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