Washington Post
Germany Weary of War, Woman’s Peace Party Is Told.
Shortage of Food Causing Under-nutrition, but No Danger of Starvation
Seen by Speakers — Overpreparedness Blamed for European Struggle —
Canadian Against Wars.
Miss Jane Addams, of Chicago, was unanimously reelected chairman of the Woman’s Peace Party at a session of the second annual meeting, held last night at the Ebbitt. Other officers elected are Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, New York, and Mrs. Ella Flagg Young, of Chicago, honorary chairmen; Mrs. Anna Garlin Spencer, Meadville, Pa.; Mrs. Louis F. Post, Washington, D. C.; Mrs Frederick J. Taussig, St. Louis, Mo., and Mrs. C. E. Cumberson, vice chairmen; Mrs. Lucia Ames Mead, Boston, Mass; Mrs. William I. Thomas, Chicago, executive secretary; Miss Sophonisba P. Breckinridge, Chicago, treasurer, and Mrs. Eleanor G. Karsten, Chicago, office secretary. Mrs. Spencer presided last night.
"I think it is quite important," said Miss M. Z. Dote, who has recently returned from Germany, "that the people of the world should know the extent of suffering in Germany among the working people. German-Americans in this country deny there is any suffering, because they think that stands for weakness in the present struggle. The result is the people of England think Germany is just as powerful as ever, and that she is storing up goods to ship to America when the war is over, and therefore believe that there can be no peace until Germany is crushed.
Germany Wants Peace.
"There would be some chance of talking peace if the people knew the conditions existing in Germany. The people, although they are not starving, are undernourished and are suffering from the lack of grease. Although Germany has won many military victories, the country is gradually going down hill."
The people of Germany are allowed to hold peace meetings, whereas the people of England and France are prohibited from meeting, she continued. The difficulty of spreading news among the countries of the world, she said, keeps the war going on. The people of Germany are eager to let the people of the world know that they are suffering, and they are sick of the war, Miss Dote concluded.
Dr. Neena Hamilton Pringsheim, of Berlin Germany, spoke first of the unity of spirit of Germany today as in the beginning of the war. "It is the belief of the people of my country," she said, "that the war is a defensive war."
Overpreparedness Is Blamed
"I think the reason for the present war," the speaker added, "Is the overpreparedness of all Europe. The women’s work of Germany is municipal, educational, social and practical in all trades. Certain foodstuffs, such as sugar and meat, are distributed by the card system. The wages of the working men and women are very high, which save the poor people from misery. I think the great duty that is laid upon the people of all nations is to learn to think and feel internationally," concluded Dr. Pringsheim.
Miss Clara Horton Louden, of Canada, stated that the reason the men of her country went into this war was because they were told it was for humanity, and that it would be the last war. Preceding the addresses reports were heard from the local branches.
Condemn "Secret Diplomacy."
Resolutions adopted by the peace party yesterday expressed disapproval of the "evils of secret diplomacy," provided that the chief efforts of the part should be directed against universal compulsory military service, condemned military training in the schools, favored repeal of the draft provision in the army reorganization bill, representing the United States and Japan and the United States and China to amicably settle disputes and indorsed the proposed Federal amendment for woman suffrage. The principle that foreign investments are made at the risk of the investors are made at the risk of the investors was set forth in the resolutions, and they suggested the calling in the near future of a third Hague conference.