Chicago Committee Against Vice

The Survey

The Committee of Fifteen has been charted by the Legislature of Illinois "to aid the public authorities in the enforcement of all laws against pandering and to take measures calculated to suppress the white slave traffic." It has some of the strongest men of Chicago in its membership and devotes its work exclusively to prosecution. In its first annual report, record is made of sixty-three convictions, resulting in jail sentences aggregating over forty-one years of imprisonment. Forty-seven girls were returned to their parents and thirteen more were sent to institutions after being rescued from disorderly houses. The report points it warnings against the dangers to girls in amusement parks and skating rinks, dance halls and wine rooms, nickel theaters and hotels, and in offers of marriage, by telling instances from the life stories of girls thus misled.

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The American Vigilance Association has opened headquarters at 105 West Monroe Street, Chicago, with Clifford G. Roe as superintendent and counsel, and George J. Kneeland, who conducted the investigation for the Chicago Vice Commission, as superintendent of the department of investigation. His services will be in demand in many towns and cities which are inquiring into their local conditions. The association announces a new edition of the Chicago Vice Commission Report, applications for which may be made to the Chicago office.


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