Institute of Christian Sociology

Oberlin News

The Institute of Christian Sociology, the announcement of which has before been published, and to which a large number of clergymen, educators and others interested in the betterment of mankind, held its first session in the Second Congregational Church yesterday afternoon. The meeting was called to order by President Ballantine, and prayer was offered by Rev. S. D. Strong of Cincinnati. Dr. Washington Gladden of Columbus was chosen permanent chairman, and on motion of Rev. W. E. C. Wright, of Cleveland, the following vice-presidents: Dr. J. H. Fairchild of Oberlin, Dr. J. H. W. Stuckenberg, of Berlin, Germany, Dr. Josiah Strong of New York, Dr. L.C. Warner of New York, and Professor Graham Taylor of Chicago. Mr. Z. Swift Holbrook of Chicago was chosen secretary. Dr. L. C. Warner was called upon to preside until Dr. Gladden arrived.

President Ballantine gave a brief address, welcoming the visitors to Oberlin and inviting them to visit the beautiful buildings, the library and museum, and assuring them that there is something here better than buildings, namely thirteen hundred students.

A letter was received from ex-Pres. Harrison expressing sympathy with the movement in Christian Sociology. Letters were read from Prof. Samuel W. Dyke and Prof. Albion W. Small, of Chicago, expressing their sentiments on sociological questions.

Short speeches were delivered by President Thwing, Dr. Josiah Strong, Dr. Stuckenberg, Rev. Sidney D. Strong, Prof. G. F. Wright, Rev. W. E. C. Wright, J. S. Troup, Esq. Of Bowling Green, and Prof. Weston of Adelbert College. There was a general expression in favor of a summer school of Christian sociology in Oberlin, and incidentally some of the weighty questions involved in the subject under discussion were considered.

A motion was offered by Dr. Brand that the chair appoint a committee of three to report plans for a Summer School of Sociology. Prof. Swing, Dr. Josiah Stron and Rev. W.E.C. Wright were named as that committee.

Further remarks were made by Hon. James Monroe, Dr. L. C. Warner, Dr. J. H. Fairchild, and Z. Swift Holbrook.

The session adjourned and the delegates were invited to attend college prayers.

In the evening the first regular address before the Institute of Christian Sociology was delivered before a large audience by Dr. J. H. W. Stuckenberg, of Berlin, Germany. He discussed in a masterly manner the object of Christian Sociology. He emphasized the fact that society must undergo a radical change before the social problems can be solved, and that evolution must be the basis upon which social action is founded. He said that the good and bad points in capital and labor must also be plainly shown. He dwelt at length upon the evolution of individuals, organizations, the Church and the State, which, he claims, must be effected, in order that we may find a correct solution for our social difficulties.

A miscellaneous discussion followed, Dr. Gilbert of Cleveland, Rev. R. S. Lindsay of Columbus and Rev. S. D. Strong of Cincinnati participating.

Dr. Gladden, who was expected to speak, could not reach here until today.

Between 150 and 200 people from abroad are in attendance, and those who planned the conference are much gratified with the success. The sessions continue through to-day and this evening.

Dr. Washington Gladden will speak this evening instead of Prof. Graham Taylor; the session beginning at 6 o’clock and closing in time for the delegates to take the evening trains.


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