New York Times

New Hygiene Committee Plans Study in Allied Fields.

An attempt to establish more accurately the scientific basis of mental hygiene with the aide of university research and consolidation of present knowledge was planned yesterday by a newly organized research committee of the National Committee of Mental Hygiene, according to an announcement by Paul O. Komora, associated secretary. The committee met at the Hotel Pennsylvania.

The canvassing of the various fields or "disciplines" of mental hygiene and psychiatry, which now embrace chiefly the prevention and adjustment of abnormal behavior, will be extended to education, medicine, sociology and psychology to include all mental health aspects of social problems.

The committee plans to act as a clearing house for ideas emanating from the various universities, with the discovery of new scientific talent. Members present were D. V. V. Anderson of Staatsburg-on-Hudson, N. Y., Dr. Clarence O. Cheney of the New York Psychiatric Institute and Hospital, Dr. Adolf Meyer of Johns Hopkins, Dr. James S. Plant, director of the Essex County Juvenile Clinic, Newark; Dr. Arthur H. Ruggles of Providence; Dr. H. Douglas Singer, Chicago; Dr. Charles R. Stockard of Cornell University Medical College and Dr. W. I. Thomas.


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