New York Times

Anti-Militarist Body Resents Being Called Pro-German or Seditious.

Special to the New York Times.

Washington, Sept. 7. — Tiring of being "defamed as ‘pro-German’ or ‘seditious,’ the American Union Against Militarism tonight issued a statement asserting that it will sue any newspaper for libel which ventures to characterize it in such terms. The statement was given out in reply to a news dispatch suggesting that the Department of Justice was contemplating an investigation of the organization.

Members of the Executive Committee, which issued the statement, are Miss Lillian D. Wald, Amos R. E. Pinchot, L. Hollingsworth Wood, Roger N. Baldwin, Miss Jane Addams, Herbert S. Bigelow of Cincinnati, Miss Sophonisba P. Breckinridge, Dr. John Lovejoy Elliot, Miss Zona Gale, the Rev. John Haynes Holmes, David Starr Jordan, Mrs. Agnes Brown Leach, Miss Alice Lewisohn, the Rev. Frederick Lynch, John A. McSparran of the National Grange, Scott Nearing, the Rev. Norman Thomas, Oswald Garrison Villard, Professor Henry R. Mussey, Crystal Eastman and Charles T. Hallinan.


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