New York Times

Army to Ban Liquor and Otherwise Protect the Soldiers.

Washington, May 6. — As a strict war measure, the Council of National Defense has taken decisive steps for the hygienic and mental welfare of the soldiers and sailors of the nation. It has struck at the presence of infectious diseases and at alcoholism in all military commands.

Guided by the General Medical Board, the decisions of the council are these: First, that under military control an effective zone shall be created about all military commands as the most practicable and effective measure to prevent disease. Second, that these military zones shall serve also as a means of control of alcoholic beverages to the troops. These decisions are reached by the council after an exhaustive study of conditions today among European armies.

Zones about the military commands will, therefore, be created, and conditions in these zones will be guarded by military measures. The council also recommends, as a further solution of the problem, that all military commands be provided with good facilities for the recreation of the troops. It urges that all suitable athletics be encouraged. The use of alcoholic beverages on the part of soldiers and sailors in military commands has long been under military control. But the creation now of these military zones will in effect extend such control over the troops when they are off duty out of the commands.

"To face these ugly facts in an unflinching and no half-hearted fashion," said Dr. Franklin H. Martin, member of the Advisory Commission of the Council of National Defense, "makes for the fighting power of the nation. But our troops are inseparably a part of our civil life, and a clean, wholesome, temperate life among these troops will in the end make for our civil advancement, compared to which the cost of the war is nothing. The whole nation is indebted to the General Medical Board for its thoroughgoing research and for its definite recommendations in the matter of real protection to our boys."


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