New York Times
Dr. Nearing Ousted
Pennsylvania University Board Dismisses the Wharton Professor.
Special to The New York Times.
PHILADELPHIA, June 17. — Dr. Scott Nearing, assistant
professor of economics at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania,
whose persistent utterances in favor of free speech in defiance of the
university Trustees and Faculty have several times caused him trouble, has lost
his place. He was notified today that he has been dropped from the payroll.
None of the Trustees would say for what reason Dr. Nearing
had been dismissed. Some of his brother professors and others interested in the
conduct of the school will hold a conference today to see if anything can be
done toward recalling his dismissal.
Harrison S. Morris, executor of the Wharton estate, said
today that Dr. Nearing was “one of the best loved and best teachers in the
University. The University of Pennsylvania,” he said, “is not a free agent. It
is supported by great sums appropriated by our corrupt legislators, and it must
obey their wishes, which are equivalent to the demands of the great
corporations. Dr. Nearing has been dropped by the standpatters of the Board of
“My belief is that all the right-minded citizens of the State would rally to the
support of the university if it would free itself from an alliance with Penrose,
Vere, and McNichol, who control its judgment in a crisis like this when freedom
of speech is at stake.