New York Times

Federal Attorney Says He Will Jail Negro Pugilist.

CHICAGO, Feb. 16. — Jack Johnson, the negro pugilist, who fled to Europe after being sentenced to a year in the Federal Penitentiary for violation of the Mann act, will be extradited and returned to Chicago on a charge of conspiracy, according to a statement today by Charles F. Clyne, United States District Attorney.

The recent Supreme Court decision in a white slave case, holding that a conspiracy may be entered into to violate the act, was cited by Mr. Clyne as authority for the statement.

"The offense for which Johnson was tried," District Attorney Clyne said, "is not extraditable, but conspiracy to violate the United States law is. If the pugilist is not returned through any of our various plans, either before or after his boxing match at Juarez, Mexico, he will be indicted for conspiracy, arrested wherever he may be, and brought back.

"He may elude us and escape to Europe again, but, his freedom will be short-lived."


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