New York Times


Mrs. McCormick and Miss Paul as Head of Separate Factions, Likely to Clash


They So Construe Statement of Mrs. McCormick, Who Says National Association Stands Alone

Special to the New York Times

Washington, Jan 4. — With the arrival here of Mrs. Medill McCormick of Chicago to take charge as Chairman of the work of the new Congressional Committee of the National Woman Suffrage Association, stories are current that a schism in the suffrage ranks is likely on account of a possible conflict between the duties under taken by Mrs. McCormick and those of the Congressional Union of the National Association, which has been very active here in behalf of the movement for a Federal Constitutional amendment giving women the right to vote.

Miss Alice Paul, Miss Lucy Burns, and other members of the Congressional Union have issued a statement, however, in which they extend "a most cordial greeting to the newly appointed Congressional Committee." But "the retiring Congressional Committtee," as Miss Paul and her associates call their organization in their statement, gives notice that it "will continue its work in Washington as the Executive Committee of the Congressional Union for Woman Suffrage," and will remain in the headquarters it established here a year ago. In this division of the same work some of the suffragists see the possibility of trouble.

On top of the rumors of dissension, Mrs. Arthur M. Dodge of New York, President of the National Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage, issued a statement to-night saying that Mrs. McCormick and the National Woman Suffrage Association "have thrown off all pretense of concealment and embarked frankly on a course of militancy which parallels the tactics of the British suffragettes."

The charge against Mrs. McCormick is based on a statement from her that the women of the Congressional Committee of the National Association "will be organized to do effective work in all of the Congressional districts, there to oppose, in primaries and in elections, all those candidates for Congress who do not stand for the suffrage amendment to the Constitution."

Says Mrs. Dodge of Mrs. McCormick's statement: "It calls for nothing more nor less than a relentless persecution by the suffragist of any man, however able he may be, who does not accede to what they demand."

According to those who foresee that the National Woman Suffrage Association will be menaced by a rival in the Congressional Union headed by Miss Paul, the present situation in the suffrage ranks can be understood only by keeping in mind a long chain of events leading up to it.

The national association always has maintained a Congressional Committee with headquarters in Washington whose sole business was to work before Congress. A year ago, desiring a more active campaign in Washington, the board of the national association was pleased when Miss Paul volunteered to become Chairman of the Congressional Committee. Miss Lucy Burns, another ardent worker, volunteered as Vice Chairman. The two young women agreed to devote their entire time to the work.

Late in April the Congressional Union was formed, with its home in the offices of the Congressional Committee, with Miss Paule as its Chairman, while remaining Chairman of the Congressional Committee of the national association.

Liberal financial support poured in from all over the country, and services were given by Washington suffrage workers, all of whom were enrolled as members of the Congressional Union.

Mrs. Jessie Hardy Stubbs, Press Chairman of the union, says that the funds were all given in the name of the union. Prominent Washington suffragists are inclined to differ with Mrs. Stubbs, asserting that the two names, Congressional Committee and Congressional Union, were hopelessly confusing even to Washington women, and that contributors thought they were merely supporting the work of the committee of the national association.

At the recent annual convention of the association, Miss Paul stated that the work and finances of the two were so closely interwoven that she could give no invoiced account of the finances, a fact which did not meet with the approval of the Executive Board. It was also said that Mss Paul and Miss Burns, both of whom were associated with Mrs. Pankhurst in Great Britain, were slightly tinged with militancy, which the National Association does not countenance. The Chairmanship for another year was not offered to Miss Paul, but to Miss Burns, with certain conditions. Miss Burns declined the honor, continuing as Miss Paul's aid in the work of the union, and Mrs. McCormick accepted the Chairmanship.

Mrs. McCormick issued a statement to the effect that under the direction of the National Association a big political campaign would be carried on, and that her offices had no connection with any other Washington headquarters.

Though the Congressional Union in not a constitutional society with regularly elected officers, it is asserted that it is vastly more than a list of names, because it is better known to all the money-giving suffragists in the United States, and its affairs are directed by Miss Paul and a board of management.


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