New York Times

Mann’s Measure Drafted After Consultation with Taft and Wickersham.

Special to The New York Times

WASHINGTON, DEC. 18 — The Inter-State Commerce Committee of the house agreed to-day to report out the bill of the Chairman, James R. Mann of Illinois, to regulate and prevent the transportation in inter-State and foreign commerce of alien women and girls for immoral purposes.

This action places on the calendar of the House two bills having the same object, but treating the problem in different ways. The other measure is that of the Immigration Committee, which, yesterday reported a bill to prevent improper traffic in aliens by the exercise of both the immigration and inter-State commerce, regulations.

The Mann bill provides that any person who transports in inter-State or foreign commerce any woman or girl, alien or native, for improper purposes, or who obtains tickets for such transportation, or who persuades a woman or girl to agree to such transportation shall be guilty of a felony, and shall be liable to a fine of not more than $5,000 or imprisonment of not more than five years, or by both. When the girl is less than 18 years old the penalty is doubled.

The argument that will undoubtedly be directed against the Mann bill will be that the white slave traffic is not within the jurisdiction of the inter-State and foreign commerce law. This view has been expressed by members of the Immigration Committee. Mr. Mann, however, consulted with the President before he framed his measure, and it is known that his plan of legislation was approved as legal by Attorney General Wickersham and the Department of Commerce and Labor.


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