Time line of key events in Dewey's life

Robert Throop and Lloyd Gordon Ward

1859 Born at 186 South Willard Street, Burlington, Vermont, USA to  Lucinda Rich Dewey and Archibald Sprague Dewey
1875 Graduated from Burlington High School
1879 Bachelor of Arts degree, University of Vermont (Phi Beta Kappa, Delta Psi)
High school teacher, Oil City Pennsylvania to 1881
1881 Teacher, Lake View seminary, Charlotte Vermont.
Studied philosophy with H.A.P. Torrey as private student
1882 Entered Johns Hopkins University as graduate student, encounters Charles Sanders Peirce
1883 Becomes Fellow at Johns Hopkins University
1884 Doctorate awarded by Johns Hopkins University. His dissertation "The Psychology of Kant" was not published and appears to have been lost.
Appointed Instructor in Philosophy, University of Michigan
1886 Marries Harriet Alice Chipman of Fenton Michigan on July 28, 1886, one of his students
Promoted to Assistant Professor of Philosophy, University of Michigan
1887 First child, Frederick born 
1888 Appointed Professor of Philosophy at University of Minnesota
1889 Appointed Professor of Philosophy at University of Michigan
First daughter, Evelyn, born 
1890 George Herbert Mead joins Department of Philosophy at University of Michigan, becomes life-long friend of Dewey
1893 Second son, Morris, born
1894 Appointed Professor of Philosophy at University of Chicago
Creation of the Department of Philosophy, Psychology and Education
1895 Son, Morris (born 1893) dies of diphtheria in Milan, Italy 
1896 Son, Gordon, born 
Laboratory School at the University of Chicago begins operation. The University merged the school into the University School in 1904.
1897 Daughter, Lucy, born
1899 Elected President of the American Psychological Association
1900 Daughter, Jane, born
1902 Appointed Director of the School of Education, University of Chicago, serving until 1904.
1904 Appointed Professor of Philosophy, Columbia University. Remains at Columbia until 1930.
Honorary LL.D. University of Wisconsin
Son, Gordon (born 1896), dies of typhoid fever while family vacationing in Ireland
Adopt son, Sabino, in Milan, Italy
1905 Elected President of the American Philosophical Association
1906 Lecturer in Philosophy, Johns Hopkins University, 1906-1907.
1910 Named Member of the National Academy of Sciences
Honorary LL.D., University of Vermont
1911 Named Member of the American Philosophical Society
1913 Honorary LL.D. University of Michigan
1915 Founder and first President, American Association of University Professors
Honorary LL.D., Johns Hopkins University
1917 Honorary LL.D., Illinois College
1918 Delivered  the West Memorial Foundation Lectures at Leland Stanford Junior University, later published as Human Nature and Conduct (1922).
1919 Lecturer, Imperial University, Tokyo
Lecturer, National Universities of Peking and Nanking, China, 1919 - 1921
Helps found New School for Social Research, New York
1921 Honorary Ph.D., National University of Peking
1923 Membre correspondant, Acad�mie des Sciences Morales et Politiques, Institut de France, section de philosophie.
1924 Educational survey of Turkey
1925 Named Paul Carus Lecturer by the  (Experience and Nature (1929))
1926 Educational survey of Mexico
1927 Alice Dewey dies of arteriosclerosis
1929 Gifford Lecturer, University of Edinburgh (The Quest for Certainty)
Honorary Litt.D., Columbia University
Honorary LL.D., University of St. Andrews
1930 Named Professor Emeritus of Philosophy in residence, Columbia University
William James Lecturer, Harvard University (Art as Experience)
Docteur de l'Universit� honoris causa, Paris.
1931 Lecturer, National University of Peking
1932 Honorary LL.D., Harvard University
Helps found University-In-Exile
Elected Honorary President, National Education Association
1935 Begins correspondence with Arthur Bentley, originally a student at University of Chicago
1937 Chairman, Commission of Inquiry into the Charges Made against Leon Trotsky in the Moscow Trials
1938 Elected Honorary President for Life, American Philosophical Association
1939 Named Professor Emeritus, Columbia University
Awarded Order of the Jade by China
1946 Marries Roberta Lowitz Grant of New York City on December 11, 1946
Honorary D.Sc., University of Pennsylvania
Honorary Ph.D., University of Oslo
1949 Awarded the Order of Merit by Chile
1951 Honorary Litt.D., Yale University
1952 Named Honorary Vice-President, New York State Liberal Party
Dies at home, 1158 Fifth Avenue, New York City on June 1, 1952 after breaking his hip the previous November.


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