Chicago Tribune
Capt. Anderson Plans Meeting to Form One Army for Attack.
"As the west from was made one battle line under Foch, so Chicago’s scattered, independent forces of social reform must unite and throw all their energy into one channel for the making of a clean city and a clean civilian army."
This is the theory of a united reform army which Cap. George J. Anderson, the war department’s vice expert, is urging upon the various civic bodies of Chicago, and which resulted yesterday in the first steps toward such organization
Massmeeting to Unite Forces.
Prof. George H. Mead began the work of selecting the committee which will unify the reform elements into one force behind the war department policy. The Association of Commerce and other big organizations will be called in, and a massmeeting probably will be held soon in which the entire situation will be made clear to the people.
The next step in Capt. Anderson’s campaign will be taken at his "revival meeting" tomorrow with Mayor Thompson and other city and federal officials charged with the enforcement of law in this city. Capt. Anderson’s program will be outlined at that meeting. He will suggest decided changes in the methods of handling the vice problem in Chicago.
Regard Whole Nation as Army
The theory upon which his program of social revolution is based is that every man is a potential soldier. His medical records show that the greatest percentage of diseases resulting from social evil lies in the national army, and that the camp doctors always have new trouble when the new drafts come in. The army is well protected, but Capt. Anderson wants the entire nation to be regarded as an army.
The organizations which already have voted to help put through the war department plans are: Juvenile Protective association, Citizens’ association, City Club, Olivet institute, Citizens’ league, Chicago Women’s club, Women’s City Club, Committee of Fifteen, Chicago Law and Order league and the Civic federation.