Chicago Tribune

Mrs. W. I. Thomas Receives Letter as Agent for Mrs. Granger.

Lieut. Rufus M. Granger, stationed somewhere in France with an American engineering corps, had not yet heard of the famous escapade involving his wife, Mrs. Pearl Granger, and Prof. William Isaac Thomas, formerly of the sociological department of the University of Chicago.

At least it is presumed that he has not yet heard about it, or had not up to two week ago, for a letter from him was received yesterday at the south side hotel where Mrs. Granger and her sister, Miss Della Raines, artist's model, lived at the time Mrs. Granger and Prof. Thomas were arrested after they had visited the Brevoort hotel as man and wife.


Mrs. Granger has not been a guest at the South Side hotel since April 19, the day on which she found refuge in the Thomas household at 6132 Kimbark avenue, following her arrest by federal authorities. Two week later, she left Chicago, but her destination has never been revealed. It was said at the time that she had gone to New York to join her sister, Della, but that was speculation.

The letter received yesterday was sent to the old address. The military postmark was dated May 18. Had anyone written Lieut. Granger or had his wife revealed her present whereabouts he would have known that she is no longer in Chicago.

Mrs. Thomas appeared at the hotel and presented the manager with a power of attorney from Mrs. Granger, and asked for and received the letter. The document authorized her to receive mail and money due Mrs. Granger and otherwise transact any necessary business. It bore a date late in May.

No Friends in World.

"Yes, I have Mrs. Granger's power of attorney," Mrs. Thomas explained at night. "It was necessary after her great trouble to leave Chicago, although there were a number of little business matters for her to attend to. She did not have a friend in the world, and since I had taken her into my home, when she asked me I consented to attend to her business affairs for her. A power of attorney was necessary."

Mrs. Thomas refused to reveal Mrs. Granger's present whereabouts or otherwise discuss the latter's affairs.


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