Chicago Tribune
Thirty-three Couples Arrested When Police Visit Lombard
Thirty-three couples, including an army officer, a naval officer, and an enlisted man were arrested early yesterday morning in a raid in the Hotel Lombard. The raid was directed by Second Deputy Funkhouser. Detectives were led by Lieut. William Schoemaker. It was declared the raid was the answer of Funkhouser to the complaint of the small hotels that the loop hotels are immune from vice investigation.
Lieut. Schoemaker’s men declare they found many of the rooms fitted with "property" suit cases, so that guests coming without baggage would have evidence of moral purposes. Mrs. C. C. Collins, owner of the hotel; M. W. Kennedy, the manager, and Stephen G. Hevighorst, the clerk, all denied that suit cases were provided in the rooms as "camouflage."
The raid took place shortly after 1:30 o’clock in the morning. For some hours previous to this detectives had been perched upon various vantage points, nearby windows, upon the elevated platform at Wells and Quincy streets, and in the streets, making notes of the arrival of guests in pairs. It was noted that many came without baggage. When the time seemed propitious, word was sent to Lieut. Schoemaker.
Asks for Warrant
Hevighorst, the clerk, and Dell Lyons, a bell boy, were arrested. The clerk proposed the hypothesis that he could not be arrested without a warrant. He was assured, somewhat emphatically, that he was quite wrong. He was locked in Central station. Detectives took charge of the telephone switchboard and guarded all elevators and entrances.
Lieut. Schoemaker scanned the register and decided to use "D and F. Lewis" of room 304 as a test. Hevighorst told the detectives that men occupied the room. He was mistaken. With pass keys the detectives began on the top floor and entered each room. General consternation ensued. Screams of women and subdued oaths of men were frequent. Bribes of money and jewelry were offered in endless profusion.
Women Hide Faces
The whole contingent was marched into one of the parlors and an invoice taken. The women hid their faces in furs and other wearing apparel, and the men were angry beyond expression. The women were taken to the Clark street annex in patrol wagons and the men to Central station. Many of the men tried to provide taxicabs for their companions, but these offers were refused.
Soon after the trip to the police stations bondsmen began arriving, and most of the captured were soon free again, all with the exception of the men. These were held and were turned over to government authorities later in the day.
Twenty-eight couples were seen to enter the hotel and only nine carried baggage, according to Lieut. Schoemaker’s report. Upon questioning, the couples at first declared they were married, but they later admitted they had lied.
Arrive, but Depart
Hevighorst said the raid was unjust; that he was under strict orders to admit none save those of whom there was no suspicion. While he was explaining, a number of couples arrived in taxicabs, but immediately departed.
Maj. Funkhouser said the Lombard has been running for months under the guise of immunity, because it was regarded as a high class hotel. He said influential reform organizations have complained and there is evidence to convict. Kennedy said the hotel was operated with due regard for the conventions.
Resolutions asking the abolition of the special bar permit dances, "which seem to be a special menace in wartime," were adopted Saturday at a meeting of the Open Door club, composed of women living in Bowmanville, in the northwestern part of Chicago.