Chicago Tribune

U.S. Officials Declare Cleanup of City Must Be Thorough

Chicago’s cleanup is to be rigorous. Orders sweeping and absolute came from Washington yesterday, backed by the secretary of war and the secretary of the navy. They left no room for doubt. Charles F. Clyne, United States district attorney; Hinton G. Clabaugh, bureau of investigation chief: Lieutenant William H. Schoemaker and others immediately afterward went into conference.

The order means that a zone, with a radius of five miles centering at the federal building, will be made vice free. Men and women of the underworld are to be driven out. There is to be no half-way business; no make believe.

The order as given reads:

"All houses of ill fame, brothels, bawdy house, are prohibited within five miles of any military or naval camp, station, fort, post, cantonment, training or mobilization place.

"Within this said five mile zone no person, corporation, partnership or association shall receive in any place or building any person for immortal purposes and any male or female who enters such place or building for immoral purposes violates the law.

"Any person who shall direct, transport, or aid any person to find any such immoral house within the five mile zone violates the law and will be prosecuted and each violation is punishable by a fine of $1,000 or twelve months improvement, or both."

To Be Enforced.

The above order speaks for itself, says District Attorney Clyne, ought to be clear to all, and will be enforced to the letter. This order wrecks a recognized "business" among a certain class of men who drive motors for hire who term, in the slang of their calling, the carrying of "live loads."

This traffic consists of keeping addresses of immoral places and carrying those who wish to visit them to the places for considerable fees.

The object of the order primarily is to prevent the spread of diseases in the army and navy.


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