Chicago Tribune

Laws on Public Morals to be Enforced by the Major.

Maj. Funkhouser was last night given "full charge of the enforcement of all laws and ordinances pertaining to all matters affecting public morals." in an order issued by Chief Schuettler.

Asked why the order had been issued, Chief Schuettler replied it was "for the good of the service."

Schuettler’s Own Idea

"It was purely my own idea, and I did not receive instructions from any one before issuing it," said the chief.

"I have had the matter in mind for some time. Under its terms Maj. Funkhouser will be enabled to get quick action in eliminating any vice conditions he may find. It will not be necessary, as heretofore, for him to wait for several days before getting action on reports turned in by his investigators. His office will be under no greater expense than it is at present.

The New Order

The chief’s order is as follows:

"Commencing Saturday, Sept. 15, 1917, you will have full charge of the enforcement of all laws and orders pertaining to all matters affecting public morals and the suppression of vice conditions, such as prostitution, soliciting, assignation houses, houses of ill fame, the unlawful use of cocaine, opium, and other habit forming drugs.

"The reports of vice conditions made by the investigators from you office will hereafter be followed up and arrests made by you and officers working under you command until the termination of the cases in court.

"This will not, however, relieve commanding officers and their subordinates from doing their full duty as police officers in the enforcement of all laws and ordinances and it will devolve upon you to also report any willful neglect upon the part of commanding officers and all members of this department which you may find in your investigations. You will also be held responsible for conditions pertaining to violations of the law and ordinances above stated.

To Have Staff

"Confer with the first deputy superintendent of police and make requisition of him for both police officers and police women as you and he may agree upon, and submit the same to me for my approval.

"The itemized reports of investigators will be eliminated, and you will furnish me instead, over your signature, at the end of each twenty-four hours, a general report on all matters of police department business coming to your attention. You will also forward reports to me at the end of each twenty-four hours showing all violation of the statues of Illinois and the city ordinances that may come under the observation of you our your subordinates."


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