Chicago Tribune

Hudson Patriots Spoil War Foes’ Convention

Hudson, Wis., Aug. 30. — [Special] — Six members of the People’s Peace council who went to Hudson, Wis., late this afternoon to make arrangements for holding a national pacifist convention, were placed on a truck by an angry crowd of 1,000 citizens, escorted to the depot, and placed on a train bound for Minneapolis, tonight.

The deported pacifists were:

SECRETARY LOUIS P. LOCHNER, who had charge of Henry Ford’s first peace expedition.
WILLIAM WILLIAMS, publicity director.
CHARLES KRUSE, president of the New York Brotherhood Welfare association.
MISS FLORENCE MARGOLIES of New York, president of the Worker’s council.

A woman secretary for Miss Margolies and a woman stenographer of the headquarters of the National People’s council were the other two members of the deported part.


Lochner and his assistants had come here to lease the old prize fight arena for their peace talkfest, following the proclamation of Gov. Burnquist of Minnesota prohibiting the holding of the conference in Minneapolis.

Telegrams received late tonight from Gov. Philipp by Mayor Condit denied that he had granted permission to the people’s council to hold its conferences here. the governor asked the local authorities to go as far as constitutional rights would permit to prevent the conference being held here. He urged steps to induce the fight arena corporation to refuse a lease to the pacifists.

Lochner and his party were not harmed by the crowd of patriotic Hudsonites. This was due to an appeal by County Attorney N. O. Varnum, who urged the mob to let them go quietly and avoid violence.


The Hudson citizens were stirred to action by a public mass meeting this evening in front of the armory. Speeches were made by Maj. Sam Campbell, a veteran of the Civil war, Mayor Condit, and several other prominent citizens and resolutions of protest against the peace conference were adopted. The city council met and adopted a similar resolution.

The mass meeting quickly became imbued with a determination to eliminate the pacifists from Hudson immediately. The crowd rushed to the Chapin hotel, where Kruse, Miss Margolies, and the two other women were sitting in the lobby. Maj. Campbell shook the resolution of the massmeeting beneath the nose of Kruse. He demanded that Kruse join with them in declaring against the conference.

Kruse held his ground. So did the women. He would not sign the resolution.


"Get a rope," some one shouted.

"Get the tar and feather," said another.

"Hang ‘em," shouted a third.

Half a dozen hands were laid on Kruse. Cries of "Kill the copperhead," "String up the kaiseites," "Down with sedition," filled the room. For a moment it looked as if there might be a lynching.

County Attorney Varnum jumped on a chair and began to speak.

Kruse and the women, white with fear, cowered beneath his protecting arms. Finally, with trembling lips, they promised to leave town at once.

They were allowed to get their baggage. Five minutes later they were bundled into a big truck and rushed to the depot. Hisses and hoots continued to ring in their ears as they boarded a train for Minneapolis.

Meanwhile Lochner and Williams had been rounded up and hustled to the depot.

Lochner told the driver of the truck that the People’s council was through with Hudson. He said an automobile truck load of literature would arrive in the morning and he asked that it be returned to Minneapolis without being unloaded.


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