Chicago Tribune

Secret Service and Police Prepare for Trouble.

Three minute closure will rule in the two days’ gather of the delegates to the "People’s Council for Democracy and Terms of Peace," which opens on Saturday. It is the feeling that a pacifist can enunciate his entire creed in three minutes, even though he may be disposed to talk much longer. Open amazement has been expressed about the rule in some quarters, it being questioned whether a conscientious objector can be stopped in so short a time.

William E. Mason, the Illinois congressman, who inaugurated a postcard campaign to find out how the citizens stood on the war question, with the result that he found out, will be one of the chief speakers.

Secret Service Busy.

There will be general discussions in the Auditorium in Recital hall and a massmeeting on Sunday in the Cubs ball park. Secret service chiefs already have begun preparations to look in on the ball park meeting, as have the police, so that if the demand for peace becomes too urgent, as on the occasion of the Grant park riot a few weeks since there may be a touch of restraint. Some 400 delegates from the central states will attend and talk about such things as "Financing the War," "War Taxation," "Labor Standards in War Time," and "Free Speech, Assembly, and Press." It is expected that a $50,000 fund to be used in fighting for peace will be launched. Jenkins Lloyd Jones will be chairman of the massmeeting.

Some of the Speakers

Dr. Scott Nearing, Frank Stevens, single tax advocate; Victor Berger, the Milwaukee Socialist, who did not go to the Socialist peace meeting abroad; Mrs. W. I. Thomas of the Woman’s Peace party, Miss Mary McDowell, and Morris Hillquit, the latter the New York Socialist, will be among the speakers.

Senator John Works of California and Congressman Mason will be among the speakers at the massmeeting. It is said the police have suggest there be a Red Cross Unit in attendance, against the possibility of a casualty list.


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