Chicago Tribune

First Victim of Crusade Against Commercialized Vice Alleged to Have Placed Girls in Resort.

The American Vigilance association, newly perfected organization for the suppression and prevention of commercialized vice, has started a new crusade in Chicago through its local arm, the committee of fifteen. The first victim is Charles B. Werdoe, who was arrested yesterday. He is charged with placing two young women in a resort of "Dago Frank" Lewis, a south side levee character.

Werdoe is being held under $5,000 bonds. The two young women, Florence Sullivan, 19 years old and Mildred Fuller, 17 years old, are being held as witnesses. The girls told their story to Attorney Carl A. Waldron, who has succeeded Clifford G. Roe as counsel for the committee of fifteen.

Miss Sullivan is the daughter of a well to do contractor of Detroit, and her younger companion’s home is in Dayton, O. The girls came to Chicago four weeks ago from Detroit, planning to go to work. They met Werdoe, who boarded at an Indiana street house where they were stopping.

"The girls say Werdoe took them to the Maze caféand resort at Twenty-second street and Armour avenue," Mr. Waldron said. "They say they knew nothing of the character of the place, that they took several drinks with Werdoe, and he placed them in the resort. That was three weeks ago. Last Thursday night Werdoe beat the younger girl, and her faced was blackened and bruised. The assault occurred in the Lewis place.


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