Chicago Tribune

News of the Women’s Clubs.

Some of the work of the Child Welfare exhibit will be brought back to life this week when the Woman’s City club opens its new traveling exhibit at the Chicago Normal school, Sixty-ninth street and Stewart avenue. It will be called the City Welfare exhibit and will be held under the joint auspices of the Woman’s City club and the Englewood Woman’s club.

The exhibit will open Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock and will continue through Friday night. A special session will be held Saturday morning, however, for the benefit of the school children of Englewood and the south side. There will be moving pictures, demonstrations, stereopticon views with lectures, civic talks, photographs, and live exhibits.

The school will be the topic of discussion at the opening session and addresses will be made by Dean Franklin W. Johnson of the University High school, Mrs. Orville T. Bright, Prof. W. B. Owen, Miss A. D. Reynolds, and Miss Florence Holbrook. Recreations, including small parks and bathing bathing beaches will be discussed Thursday afternoon.

On Friday afternoon, jails, city waste, and housing will be discussed by Miss Harriet Vittum, Mrs. Percy E. Hawkins, and John Kennedy of the Chicago Association of Commerce.

The members of the Woman’s City club hope to perpetuate the work of the Child Welfare exhibit, and many striking features of the show at the Coliseum will be shown. In addition there will be exhibits of work which has been done by the Woman’s City club in regard to jails and prisons, housing conditions, city waste and bathing beaches.

The exhibit later will be taken on a tour of the city, the ward organizations of the Woman’s City club being used in the various part of the city. Mrs. W. I. Thomas is chairman of the exhibit committee.


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