Chicago Tribune

Future Meetings of Organization to be Devoted to Getting Recommendations Into Best Shape Possible.

Attention of the city vice commission appointed by Mayor Busse will be concentrated now on a revision of the methods and suggestions of control made by the various committees, so when the final report is prepared and sent to the city council there will be no solution or plan of supervision contained in it that will not stand a legal test.

All reports except that of one small subcommittee are now in, Prof. Graham Taylor having completed at last night’s meeting of the commission in the Union League club the presentation of his report begun at last week’s meeting — that on the sources of supply of the vice districts.

Prof. Charles R. Henderson of the University of Chicago spoke at length on the methods of city control and supervision of the child born out of wedlock. He reviewed the methods that have prevailed for years in Hungary, in Leipzig, and Hamburg, where the municipalities take the place of the fathers of such children. Some plans to this same end are to be contained in the report that will be sent to the city council.


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