Chicago Tribune

Members of Two Committees of Commission Submit Reports — Work Almost Finished.

Practically the last reports of the ten committees into which the Chicago vice commission was divided were made last night at a meeting held at the Union League club.

The committee on local conditions made forty-five recommendations, covering every phase of the conditions which have been under investigation by the committee.

Another report was received from the medical committee in which there were also a number of recommendations for changes in the city ordinances and state statutes.

It was said that in these two reports were revelations concerning vice conditions which have been discovered that astounded the commission as a whole, although previous reports had opened their eyes to grievous conditions.

Only two more reports are being waited for before the commission’s finding will be ready for transmittal to Mayor Busse.

The report when printed will make a volume of about 350 pages, and is said to be the most complete summary of the kind ever submitted by any municipal body.


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