Chicago Tribune

Aspirant for Bench Says Destroying Levee Would Ruin Residence Districts.
He Also Blames the Contractors and Corporations for the Graft in Cities.

Segregation of vice and police regulation of the vicious was advocated last night by Corporation Counsel Brundage, who is seeking the Republican nomination for Judge of the Superior court. He delivered an address before the members of the Church of the Messaih.

What Mr. Brundage denominated those persons who advocate the policy of nonrecognition of the vicious element, "Impractical radicals."

"Since the dawn of creation," said Mr. Brundage, "there have been vicious men and women —persons ready to violate any and every law, civil and divine. They are the derelicts of civilization. Shall the fact of their existence be denied and thus try to deceive ourselves? Or shall we recognize the reality of this social evil and regulate it on practical rather than sentimental lines.

Pleads for Regulation of Vice

"The impractical radical denounces vice and those who countenance its existence. The sensible citizen knows that no law of man can change human nature, and therefore, aims to eliminate the conditions that develop degeneracy.

"The first step is to circumscribe the plague spot and prevent its extension. When confined, vice can be regulated. When unconfined, it breaks out like disease where least expected.

"To arbitrarily destroy the so-called red light district means a stealthy invasion of residence communities. The quieter and more select the better for the outcast."

Mr. Brundage also told his audience that the municipal government of most American cities reflects but little credit upon their citizens, and that civic pride is mostly confined to commercial development.

Blames Contractor for City Graft

He declared that much of the corruption in modern municipal governments was directly traceable to the "contractor seeking favoritism in the awarding of contracts for public works, and the public utility corporations whose interests must be protected, and the underworld, which seeks to see that the law is not enforced. The nonenforcement of laws in turn contaminates the police."

Mr. Brundage holds the opinion that dishonesty and corruption in public life have not increased during the last century. He said:

"Men are no more dishonest now than they were 100 years ago. Alexander Hamilton was assailed just as acrimoniously as the officeholder today.

"The man who holds office is neither better nor worse than his neighbors who elect him. The man who helps to elect a corrupt official must accept his share of dishonor. If any self-governed community is misgoverned it is the fault of its citizens."


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