Chicago Tribune

Tells Delegation of Pastors to Submit List of 15 Citizens to Him by Monday.
Chief Issues Proclamation to Men; Church Leaders Praise Him.

Mayor Busse promised a delegation of five clergymen yesterday to appoint a commission to study vice conditions generally in the city, with a view to regulating the so-called "bad lands" and levee areas.

It is the intention of the mayor to name fifteen or twenty-one persons on the board to be composed of physicians, businessmen, sociologists, lawyers and ministers. It is possible that no women will be included.

The ministers found the mayor willing to go ahead in the investigation. He discussed with them in a frank way who should make up the commission, how large it should be, and listened invitingly to their suggestions how to proceed.

It was pointed out to the mayor that persons with their "minds already made up" were not desired on the commission. They did not insist that any clergymen be named.

Asked Pastors to Submit List.

The mayor asked the delegation to select a list of fifteen names for him and to submit them next Monday. In the meantime, it is expected that the mayor will ask the advice of others as the personality of such a commission, and will include selections from both lists.

The Rev. James A. Vance of the Hyde Park Presbyterian church acted as spokesman. Others in the delegation were Herbert L. Willett of the University of Chicago, the Rev. Benjamin L. Hobson of the McCormick Theological seminary, the Rev. Frank B. Burhans of the Washington Park Congregational Church, and the Rev. Smith T. Ford of the Englewood Baptist church. They represented the church federation council, an organization of Protestant churches.

Says Policemen Must Pay Debts.

Another delegation of church people visited Chief of Police Steward during the day and presented him with an inscribed copy of resolutions commending him for his work. This delegation was from the Men’s club of the People’s church, Sixty-fifth street and Stewart avenue.

The chief issued a proclamation to the "dead beats" of the police department as follows:

Members of this department are admonished to so arrange their personal affairs that complaints for debts shall not come before the department, as nonpayment of debts is a matter that reflects upon the department in its entirety and the public service in general.

Still Puzzled by "Five Days’ Pay."

Members of the city council finance committee took sides in an attempt to solve the five day pay problem of firemen and policemen.

Ald. Snow submitted the change desired, which was to pay of the 5th of the month for work up to the 1st. Finally, it was agreed that these employes be paid in full to March 5 on March 5, and that hereafter the pay begin on the first day of the month, continue through the month to the last day, and be paid on the 5th of the subsequent month.


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