Essentials of Social Psychology

Selected Bibliography

Emory S. Bogardus

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Angell, J. R., Chapters in Modern Psychology, Longmans, Green: 1912.

Baldwin, J. M., Social and Ethical Interpretations. Macmillan 1906.
—— , The Individual and Society, Badger: 1911.
—— , Mental Development
, Macmillan: 1895.

Bergson, Henri, Laughter, Macmillan: 1914.

Bianchi, R., L'etica a la psycologia sociale, Turin: 1901.

Binet, Alfred, La Suggestibilité, 1900.

Blackmar and Gillin, Outlines of Sociology, Macmillan: 1915.

Boas, Franz, The Mind of Primitive Man, Macmillan: 1911.

Branford, Victor, Interpretations and Forecasts, Kennerly: 1914.

Brent, C. H., Leadership, Longmans, Green: 1917.

Brinton, D. G., The Basis of Social Relations, Putnam's: 1900.

Bruce, H. A., Psychology and Parenthood, Dodd, Mead: 1915.

Butler, N. M., The International Mind, Scribner's: 1912.

Christensen, Arthur, Politics and Crowd-Morality, (tr. by E. English), Dutton: n. d.

Coe, G. A., The Psychology of Religion, Univ. of Chicago Press: 1916.

Conway, Martin, The Crowd in Peace and War, Longmans, Green: 1915.

Cooley, C. H., Human Nature and the Social Order, Scribner's 1909.

—— , Social Organization, Scribner's: 1909.

Cutten, G. B., The Psychological Phenomena of Christianity, Scribner's : 1908.
——, The Psychology of Alcoholism, Scribner's: 1907.

Davis, Jr., M. M., Psychological interpretations of Society, Columbia Univ. Studies: 1909.

Dewe, J. A., Psychology of Politics and History, Longmans, Green: 1910.

Ellwood, C. A., Sociology in its Psychological Aspects, Appleton: 1912
——, An Introduction to Social Psychology, Appleton: 1917.

Eltinge, Le Roy, Psychology of War, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas: 1915.

Finot, Jean, Race Prejudice, (tr. by Wade-Evans), London: 1906.

Fouillée, A., Psychologie du peuple francais, Paris: 1898.
—— , Esquisse psychologique des peuples européens, Paris: 1903.

Galsworthy, John, The Mob, Scribner's; 1904.

Giddings, F. H., The Principles of Sociology, Macmillan: 1907.

Gilbreth, Mrs. L. M., Psychology of Management, Sturgis and Walton: 1913.

Gowin, E. B., The Executive and His Control of Men, Macmillan: 1015.

Gross, H., Criminal Sociology, Little, Brown: 1911.

Hayden, E. A., The Social Will, Lancaster, Pa.: 19o9.

Hayes, E. C., Introduction to the Study of Sociology, Appleton: 1915.

Hobhouse, L. T., Mind in Evolution, Macmillan: 1901.
——, Morals in Evolution, Holt: 1907.

Hollingsworth, H. L., Vocational Psychology, Appleton: 1916.

Howard, G. E., Social Psychology, (an analytical reference syllabus), Univ. of Nebraska: 1910.

Joly, Henri, Psychologie des grands hommes, Paris: I891.

Keller, A. G., Societal Evolution, Macmillan: 1915.

Knowlson, T. S., Originality, Lippincott: 1918.

Kropotkin, P. A., Mutual Aid; a Factor in Evolution, Knopf: 1917.

Lacombe, P., La psychologie des individus et des societés, Paris: 1906.

Le Bon, Gustave, The Crowd, London: 1903.
——, The Psychology of Peoples, Macmillan: 1909.
——, The Psychology of Revolution, Putnam's: 1913.
——, The Psychology of the Great War, Macmillan: 1916.

Leopold, Lewis, Prestige, London: 1913.

Lord, H. G., The Psychology of Courage, Luce: 1918.

MacIver, R. M., Community, Macmillan: 1917.

McComas, H. C., The Psychology of Religious Sects, Revell: 1912.

McDougall, William, An Introduction to Social Psychology, Luce: 1914.

Munsterberg, Hugo, Psychology, General and Applied, Appleton: 1914.
——, Psychology and Industrial Efficiency, Houghton, Mifflin: 1913.
——, Psychology and Social Sanity, Doubleday, Page: 1914.
——, On the Witness Stand, Doubleday, Page: 1909.
——, The Americans, McClure, Phillips: 1914.

Novicow, Jacques, Les luttes entre societes humaines, 1904.

Odin, Alfred, Genèse des grands hommes, Tome 1, Paris: 1895.

Orano, Paolo, Psicologia sociale, Bari, Lacerta: 19o1.

Patrick, G. T. W., The Psychology o f Relaxation, Houghton, Mifflin: 1916.

Paulhan, F., Psychologie de l'invention, Paris: 19o1.

Ribot, Th., The Psychologie o f the Emotions, Scribner's : 1911.

Ross, E. A., Social Psychology, Macmillan: 1908.
——, Social Control, Macmillan: 1910.
——, Foundations of Sociology, Macmillan: 1905.

Rossy, P., Les suggesteurs de la foule; psychologie des meneurs, Paris: 1907.

Sarfatti, G., Contriheto allo studio della psicologia sociale, 1910.
——, La psicologia sociale a le sue relazion con la storia, 1908.

Schmidkunz, H., Psychologie der Suggestion, Stuttgart: 1892.

Scott, W. D., Psychology of Public Speaking, Pearson: 1907.
——, Psychology of Advertising, Small, Maynard: 1912.

Seashore, C. E., Psychology in Daily Life, Appleton: 1913.

Sidis, Boris, Psychology o f Suggestion, Appleton: 1911.
—— , Psychology of Laughter, Appleton: 1913.

Sighele, Scipio, Psychologie des sectes, Paris: 1898.
—— , La foule criminelle, Paris, Alcan, 1892.

Simmel, Georg, Über sociale Differenzierung, Leipzig: 1890.
—— , Social Control, Vol. XII, Publications of the American Sociological Society.

Sully, James, Essay on Laughter, Longmans, Green: 1907.

Sumner, W. G., Folkways, Ginn: 1907.

Swift, E. J., Psychology and the Day's Work, Scribner's: 1918.

Tarde, Gabriel, The Laws of Imitation, Holt: 1903.
—— , Social Laws, Macmillan: 1907.
—— , L'opinion et la foule, Paris: 1901.
—— , La logique sociale, Paris: 1895.
—— , Etudes de psychologie sociale, Paris: 1897.
—— , L'opposition universelle, Paris: 1897.

Tead, Ordway, Instincts in Industry, Houghton, Mifflin: 1918.

Thomas, W. I., Source Book for Social Origins, Univ. of Chicago Press: 1909.
—— , Sex and Society, Univ. of Chicago Press: 1907.
—— , The Polish Peasant, Vol. 1, Badger: 1918.

Todd, A. J., Theories of Social Progress, Macmillan: 1918.

Trotter, W., Instincts of the Herd in Peace and War, Macmillan: 1918.

Veblen, Thorstein, The Theory of the Leisure Class, Macmillan: 1912.
—— , The Instincts o f Workmanship, Macmillan: 1914.
—— , The Nature of Peace, Macmillan: 1917.

Vincent, G. E., The Social Mind and Education, New York: 1907.

Wallas, Graham, The Great Society, Macmillan: 1914.
—— , Human Nature in Politics, Houghton, Mifflin: 1906.

Ward, L. F., Dynamic Sociology, Appleton: 1915.
——, Psychical Factors in Civilization, Ginn: 1906.
——, Applied Sociology, Ginn: 1916.

Wundt, William, Elements of Folk Psychology, (tr. by Schaub), London: 1916.



Allen, Grant, "Genesis of Genius," Atlantic Mon., XLVII: 371-81.

Bentley, M., "A Preface to Social Psychology," Psych. Rev. Monogr., 1916, 21, No. 92, 1-25.

Biggs, A. H., "What is Fashion?" Nineteenth Cent., XXXIII: 235-48.

Bosanquet, Helen, "The Psychology of Social Progress," Intern. Jour. of Ethics, VII:265-80.

Brown, H. C., "Social Psychology and the Problem of a Higher Nationality," Intern. Jour. of Ethics, XXVIII: 19-30.

Cooley, C. H., "Genius, Fame, and the Comparison of Races," Annals of the Amer. Acad., IX: 317-58.

Dewey, John, "The Need for Social Psychology," Psychological Rev., XXIV : 266-77.
—— , "Progress," Intern. Jour. of Ethics, XXVI:311-22.

Ellis, G. W., "The Psychology of American Race Prejudice," Jour. of Race Development, 5:297-315.

Folsom, Joseph K., "The Social Psychology of Morality and its Bearing on Moral Education," Amer. Jour. of Sociol., XXII I : 433-90.

Foley, Caroline A., "Fashion," Econ. Jour., 111:458-74.

Foulke, W. D., "Public Opinion," Nat'l Munic. Rev., III: 245-55.

Fry, E., "Imitation as a Factor in Human Progress," Contemp. Rev., LV : 558-75.

Gault, R. H., "Psychology in Social Relations," Amer. Jour. of sociol., XXII: 734-48.

Gumplowicz, L., "La suggestion sociale," Riv. ital. di sociol., IV: 545-55.

Hall, G. S., "Social Phases of Psychology," Amer. Jour. of Sociol., XVIII: 613-21.

Howard, G. E., "Social Psychology of the Spectator," Amer. Jour. of Sociol., XVIII: 33-50.

Howerth, I. W., "The Great War and the Instinct of the Herd," Intern. Jour. of Ethics, XXIX: 174-87.

James, William, "Great Men, Great Thoughts, and the Environment," Atlantic Mon., XLVI:441-59.

Jenks, J. W., "The Guidance of Public Opinion," Amer. Jour. of Sociol., I: 158-68.

Kline, L. W., "The Sermon: A Study in Social Psychology," Jour. of Relig. Psychol. and Education, 1:288-300.

Lazarus, M. and H. Steinthal, "Einlertende Dedanken fiber Völker-Psychologie," Zeitschr. fur Völker-Psychologie, I : 1-73.

Leuba, J. H., "Psychology and Sociology," Amer. Jour. o f Sociol., XIX : 323-42.
—— , "Methods and Principles in Social Psychology," Psychological Bul., XIV :367-74.

Linton, E. J., "The Tyranny of Fashion," Forum, III: 59-68.

Mach, Ernst, "On the Part Played by Accident in Invention and Discovery," Monist, VI: 161-75.

MacIver, R. M., "What is Social Psychology?" Sociological Rev., VI: 147-6o.

Mead, G. H., "Social Psychology as a Counterpart to Physiological Psychology," Psychological Bul., VII: 397-405.
—— , "Social Consciousness and the Consciousness of Meaning," Psychological Bul., VII: 397-405.

Morse, Josiah, "The Psychology of Prejudice," Intern. Jour. of Ethics, XVII: 490-506.

Mumford, Eben, "The Origins of Leadership," Amer. Jour. of Sociol., XII: 216-40, 367-97, 500-31.

Ormund, A. T., "The Social Individual," Psychological Bul., VIII: 27-41.

Patrick, G. T. W., "The Psychology of Crazes," Popular Science Mon., XVIII : 285-94.

Patten, S. N., "The Laws of Social Attraction," Popular Science Mon., LXXIII: 354-60.

Ross, E. A., "Acquisitive Mimicry," Amer. Jour. of Sociol., XXI : 433-45.
—— , "The Principle of Anticipation," Amer. Jour. of Sociol., XXI : 577-600.
—— , "Class and Caste," Amer. Jour. of Sociol., XXIII:67-82.
—— , "Estrangement in Society," Amer. lour. of Sociol., XXIII : 350-58.
—— , "The Principle of Balance," Amer. lour. of Sociol., XXIII : 601-20.

Shaler, N. P., "The Law of Fashion," Atlantic Mon., LXI : 386-98.

Shepard, N. J., "Public Opinion," Amer. Jour. of Sociol., XV: 32-6o.

Sidis, B., "A Study of the Mob," Atlantic Mon., LXXV: 188-97.

Simmel, G., "Fashion," International Quarterly, X: 130-55.

Spender, H., "Is Public Opinion Supreme?" Contemp. Rev., LXXXVIII : 411-23.

Tawney, G. A., "The Nature of Crowds," Psychological Bul., II : 329-33.

Terman, L. M., "A Preliminary Study of the Psychology and the Pedagogy of Leadership," Pedagog. Sem. XI: 413-51.

Thomas, W. I., "The Psychology of Race Prejudice," Amer. Jour. of Sociol., IX: 593-611
—— , "Province of Social Psychology," Congress of Arts and Science, V : 860-68 ; and in Amer. Jour. o f Sociol., X : 445-55.
—— , "The Gaming Instinct," Amer. Jour. of Sociol., VI: 650-63.

Tosti, G., "Social Psychology and Sociology," Psychological Rev., V: 347-81.

Vincent, G. E., "The Rivalry of Social Groups," Amer. Jour. of Sociol., XV : 469-84.

Washburn, F. W., "The Social Psychology of Man and the Lower Animals," in Studies in Psychology Contributed by Colleagues and Former Students of E. B. Titchener, Worcester, 1917, pp. 11-17.

Woolston, H. B., "The Urban Habit of Mind," Amer. Jour. of Sociol., XVIII: 602-14.

Yarros, V. S., "The Press and Public Opinion," Amer. Jour. of Sociol., V: 372-82.
—— , "Human Progress: The Idea and the Reality," Amer. lour. of Sociol., XXI: 15-29.


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