Integrated Studies Programs are specifically-constructed programs at the Pass or Honours level which span two or more Departments. They are designed to satisfy students whose unique interests cannot be accommodated by a major or a combined major pattern of study. Students wishing to pursue such a program should demonstrate a clear and pre-determined plan of interdisciplinary study. In addition to the general University requirements, an Integrated Studies Program must include an appropriate credit in mathematics or applied computing or computer science (if the pattern of studies includes an emphasis in sciences) and normally a minimum of five credits in each of the areas of disciplines. |
A student electing to pursue an Integrated Studies program must maintain a minimum 70 percent major average and 60 percent non-major average in order to continue in the program and to graduate. All such programs must be approved by the appropriate academic Deans for prior approval no less than 4 terms prior to degree completion. Any changes to a program must be approved by the applicable Dean. The Dean may appoint an interested faculty member to advise the student on an appropriate pattern of study. Program Note
2023-2024 Undergraduate Calendar
Last updated: February 14, 2023 @ 04:59PM