Last updated: September 8, 2004 @ 11:01AM


Hans-Georg Moeller

Professors Emeriti
John R. A. Mayer

Murray L. Miles, R. Raj Singh

Associate Professors
Richard S. G. Brown, Wing-Cheuk Chan, Robert W. Malone, Hans-Georg Moeller, George J. Nathan

Assistant Professors
Michael Berman, Christine Daigle

Master of Arts Program

Administrative Assistant
Irene Cherrington

905-688-5550, extension 3315
Schmon Tower 1130

The Master's Program focuses on two areas: recent and contemporary European thought, and Asian (especially Indian and Chinese) thought. While the essential framework of the program has changed little in the last two decades, specific additions have been made to accommodate the rise in importance of postmodern continental thinkers (mainly French and German philosophers). Such inclusions indicate the type of dynamic rapport the Department wishes to keep with the wider philosophical community. Consequently, the majority of courses offered in any one year will be selected from:
I.  Contemporary Studies: Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre, Marcel, Buber, Scheler, Merleau-Ponty, Gadamer, Luhmann or some contemporary European movement, such as Structuralism, the Frankfurt School, or Postmodernism: Derrida, Levinas, Deleuze, or Bataille.
II.  Eastern Studies: Indian and Upanishadic Philosophy: texts from the six orthodox schools of Indian philosophy, especially Advaita Vedanta, Early Indian Buddhist traditions, especially Madhyamika schools; Bhakti traditions, Gandhi; Chinese Philosophy, especially Confucianism, Taoism, and Chinese Buddhism.
III.  Comparative Studies: Comparison of Eastern and Western traditions with respect to problems of being, knowledge, person, values, and philosophical method.
  In addition, from time to time, half-courses and tutorials may be offered on the following topics: Issues in recent Anglo-American (Analytic) Philosophy, Studies in Classical Philosophy (Pre-Socratics, Plato and/or Aristotle), Process Philosophy (Bergson, Whitehead, Hartshorne). These areas of specialization fall outside the principal focus of the graduate program, but are represented by individual members of the department.
If in a given year a half-credit in one of the above happens not to be offered, an individual tutorial therein may be arranged. Scheme A candidates are limited to a maximum of one half credit tutorial; scheme B candidates may take up to two one half credit tutorials. The graduate officer of the Department must approve the program of any graduate student. Although the time limit for completion of the degree by full-time students is three years, it is to be noted that the program is designed to be completed in one year (twelve months) of full-time studies. Full-time students receiving financial assistance should not expect such assistance to extend beyond the first year.
Admission Requirements
Candidates should normally have an honours BA in philosophy with a minimum B average (75 percent). Those with a pass BA in philosophy will normally require a qualifying year. Students may choose either scheme A or scheme B. Knowledge of languages, as appropriate, other than English may be required.

Course Descriptions

Graduate credits are to be obtained by completing courses designated at the 5(alpha)00 level. A course previously taken for undergraduate year four credit may not be taken for graduate credit.
MA Major Essay

MA Research and Thesis

Husserl and Transcendental Phenomenology
Basic issues and methods of Phenomenological philosophy will be studied and explored with reference to some of the major works of Husserl.
Seminar, 3 hours per week.

Kant and the 18th Century
Historical study of the thought of Immanuel Kant in the context of the 18th-century enlightenment, focusing primarily on Kant's Critique of Pure Reason.

Modern Philosophical Studies: Hegel and the 19th Century
Historical study of the thought of Georg W. F. Hegel in the context of the 19th century.

Graduate Tutorial I
Research course with directed study and regular meetings with a faculty member, covering topics not offered in a designated course.

Graduate Tutorial II
Research course with directed study and regular meetings with a faculty member, covering topics not offered in a designated course.

PHIL 5V00-5V04
Advanced Studies in Political Philosophy
A critical examination of either a particular thinker or problem in political philosophy. Political thinkers may include Plato, Aristotle, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Kant, J. S. Mill, Rawls and Nozick. Problems may include liberty and political organization, justice and equality, human nature and order, civil disobedience, participation and consent, liberalism, anarchism, socialism and conservatism.
Seminar, 3 hours per week.

2004-05: (5V01) Advanced Studies in Political Philosophy: Contemporary Political Theory

2004-05: (5V03) Studies in Contemporary European Philosophy
2004-05: (5V09) Habermas
PHIL 5V15-5V29
Modern Philosophical Studies
An advanced course devoted to one or more of the major thinkers of the tradition from Descartes to the present day.
Seminar, 3 hours per week.

2004-05:(5V15) Heidegger

2004-05: (5V28) Modern Philosophical Studies: Idealism
PHIL 5V30-5V45
Advanced Studies in Eastern Philosophy
Concentrated critical and interpretive study of selected texts in the areas of: Advaita Vedanta, Yoga, etc., Madhyamika and Yogacara schools of Buddhism, or Chinese Philosophy.

2004-05: (5V30) Dharmakirti
PHIL 5V46-5V60
Advanced Studies in Comparative Philosophy
Selected issues on the basis of faculty expertise.
Seminar, 3 hours per week.

2004-05: (5V48) Advanced Studies in Comparative Philosophy: Nietzsche and Buddhism

2004-05: (5V50) Advanced Studies in Comparative Philosophy: Merleau-Ponty and Nagarjuna