2001-2002 Undergraduate Calendar




Patricia Debly

Associate Professors

Patricia Debly, Peter Landey, Harris Loewen

Assistant Professor

Brian Power

Artistinresidence: Piano, TBA

Parttime Instructors

Brent Adams* (tuba), Lesley Atreo (organ), Terry Ball* (violin and viola), Lisa Chisholm (bassoon), Terrance Cox (popular culture), Cécile Desrosiers (harpsichord), Jonathan Earp (guitar), MaryKatherine Finch (cello), Janice Fralick* (French horn), Steven Fralick* (trombone), Nancy Hennen (flute), Paul Jessen (organ), Zoltan Kalman* (clarinet), Deborah Linton (voice), Roger Macchiaroli (double bass), Douglas Miller* (flute, saxophone), Greg Robinson* (trumpet), Sandra Sakofsky (oboe, cor anglais), Laura Thomas* (percussion), Suzanne Thomas (harp), Tim White* (wind ensemble, trumpet)

*Members of the Niagara Symphony Orchestra


General Information

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Administrative Assistant,


(905) 688-5550, extension 3817

Thistle 139


The goal of the Music program is to prepare students for their chosen musical career and to produce critically aware musicians with a broadly based musical education. The Department of Music offers fouryear programs of study leading to a BMus honours, a BA honours in Music, a BA with a Major in Music and a threeyear BA pass degree program.

Students take core courses in music history, theory, general musicianship and choral ensemble. Students in the BMus program must choose one principal study in applied music (instrumental or vocal lessons). If applied music is not taken in successive years, students must reaudition before proceeding to the next year of applied music. In their third and fourth years, students may pursue specialized interests in theory, musicology, composition and applied music. Students may elect to write an honours thesis.

To proceed to year 4, students must attain a minimum of 60 percent in all MUSI courses. Students with less than 60 percent in a MUSI course must upgrade the course in order to reapply to the honours program. Students who do not attain honours standing and a minimum of 60 percent in all MUSI courses may continue to year 4 in the BA with a Major in Music.



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Facilities in the Music department include soundequipped classrooms, a choral studio and library, a Boesendorfer concert grand piano, Yamaha and Heintzman grand and upright pianos, a twomanual Dowd harpsichord, a Casavant chamber organ and a full complement of percussion instruments. Individual soundproofed practice rooms with pianos for courses in applied music and keyboard skills and a computer music lab with midi controllers are available for students interested in computer music applications.

Concerts, recitals and performance classes are regularly held in the 543seat Sean O'Sullivan Theatre and in the Martin Luther Chapel, Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary. A Kingham and Pole sevenrank pipe organ is located in the Chapel.

The sound and video collection, located on the fifth floor of the Library, contains 24 individual study carrels. The listening room is equipped with tape and video cassette recorders, as well as record, compact disc, and laser disc players. The Library has an extensive collection of records, compact discs,video tapes, laser discs and CDROMs. There is a substantial collection of music literature, collected editions, scores and specialized music journals.


Public Events

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The Music program offers a regular series of events open to students and the general public. These include an evening concert series, regular noonhour concerts and presentations and a guest lecture series featuring distinguished theorists, musicologists and composers. Students frequently attend masterclasses by eminent visiting artists.


Large Ensembles

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The department has several choral ensembles, a wind ensemble and a percussion ensemble. Participation in choral ensemble is required of all majors and combined majors. The choral and instrumental ensembles are open to any member of the University or the general public who may wish to participate on a credit or audit basis and who successfully completes an audition. Students may participate for credit in various orchestras in the Community (subject to departmental approval).



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The Niagara Symphony Orchestra is the University's OrchestrainResidence with many of its members teaching in the Music Department.


Entrance Requirements for Music Majors

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Prospective majors must possess a level of musical literacy equivalent to Royal Conservatory Grade II rudiments as well as the necessary aural skills to complete the course requirements in Music. It is recommended that prospective majors possess a level of keyboard proficiency equivalent to Royal Conservatory Grade IV. Students who do not meet these entrance requirements may upgrade their skills through preparatory music courses offered by the department.

Prospective students must arrange an audition with the music department. Admission as a major will depend on the successful completion of placementtests in basic rudiments, keyboard and aural skills. Details concerning interviews, tests and auditions may be obtained from the Administrative Assistant. Admission to the BMus program with transfer credits from other universities requires an overall average of 70 percent in music courses.

An audition on a solo instrument or voice is required of all applicants to the BMus program and of all students wishing to take electives in applied music. Auditions are normally held in March, April and May of each year, in conjunction with interviews and placement tests. Applicants who are unable to audition at this time may request an alternate date.

The recommended audition level for admission into MUSI 1F92 and the BMus program is at least Royal Conservatory Grade VIII or its equivalent. Students who are not at this level may audition for MUSI 1P81. Applied music students who study with an approved nonresident instructor should be prepared to cover additional travel and instruction fees. There is a lesson fee for students who are not in the BMus program.


Language Requirement for Humanities Majors

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Students in the Music program, including single and combined majors in Music, are required to complete one credit in a language other than English. Where half credit courses are used to satisfy the requirement, both half credits must be in the same language.

Program Notes

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1. Students are encouraged to take a second language credit (in addition to the Humanities language requirement) in French, Italian, German or Latin.

2. Music majors may take five and onehalf credits in any year of the program without approval from the Dean of Humanities.

3. In all 20 credit degree programs, at least 12 credits must be numbered 2(alpha)00 or above, six of which must be numbered 2(alpha)90 or above and of these, three must be numbered 3(alpha)90 or above. In all 15 credit degree programs, at least seven credits must be numbered 2(alpha)00 or above, three of which must be numbered 2(alpha)90 or above.


BMus Program

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Year 1

- MUSI 1F50, 1F90, 1F92, 1P83, 2Y05 and 2Y06
- one Science context credit or Social Science context credit

Year 2

- MUSI 2F90, 2F92, 2P83, 3Y05 and 3Y06
- one credit from MUSI 2P51, 2P52, 3P96, 3P97, 4P50, 4P51
- the Science context credit or Social Science context credit not taken in year 1

Year 3

- MUSI 3F92 and 3P83
- one and one-half MUSI credits
- one language credit (see language requirement)
- one elective credit

Students who audit MUSI 3P83 must complete an additional onehalf MUSI credit

Year 4

- MUSI 4P83
- one-half MUSI credit
- two MUSI credits numbered 3(alpha)90 or above
- two elective credits

Students who audit MUSI 4P83 must complete an additional onehalf MUSI credit


BA Honours Program

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Year 1

- MUSI 1F50, 1F90, 1P83, 2Y05 and 2Y06
- one Science context credit
- one Social Science context credit

Year 2

- MUSI 2F90, 2P83, 3Y05 and 3Y06
- one credit from MUSI 2P51, 2P52, 3P96, 3P97, 4P50, 4P51
- one language credit (see language requirement)
- one elective credit

Year 3


- two and onehalf MUSI credits
- two elective credits

Students who audit MUSI 3P83 must complete an additional onehalf MUSI credit

Year 4

- MUSI 4P83
- one-half MUSI credit
- two MUSI credits numbered 3(alpha)90 or above
- two elective credits

Students who audit MUSI 4P83 must complete an additional onehalf MUSI credit


BA with a Major Program

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This program is identical to the honours program listed above in years 1 to 4. It differs from the honours program in that honours standing is not required for entry into year 4.


Pass Program

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Year 1

- MUSI 1F50, 1F90, 1P83, 2Y05 and 2Y06
- one Science context credit
- one Social Science context credit

Year 2

- MUSI 2F90, 2P83, 3Y05 and 3Y06
- one credit from MUSI 2P51, 2P52, 3P96, 3P97, 4P50, 4P51
- one language credit (see language requirement)
- one elective credit

Year 3

- MUSI 3P83
- one and onehalf MUSI credits
- three elective credits

Students who audit MUSI 3P83 must complete an additional onehalf MUSI credit


Combined Major Programs

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Students may take a combined major in MUSI and in a second discipline. For requirements in the other discipline, the student should consult the relevant department. Note that not all departments provide a combined major option.

- MUSI 1F50, 1F90, 1P83, 2F90, 2P83, 2Y05, 2Y06, 3Y05, 3Y06
- MUSI 3P83 and 4P83
- one credit from MUSI 2P51, 2P52, 3P96, 3P97, 4P50, 4P51
- one MUSI credit

Students who audit MUSI 3P83 and 4P83 must complete an additional MUSI credit


Satisfactory completion of the first three years of an honours program entitles a student to apply for a pass degree.

Music and Great Books/Liberal Studies (honours only)

Consult the Great Books/Liberal Studies entry for a listing of program requirements.

Last updated: October 23, 2001 @ 03:14PM