Sadie Lovett

Assistant Professor

Dr. Sadie Lovett, Applied Disability Studies


I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Applied Disability Studies. I received a doctoral degree in Rehabilitation with a specialization in Behaviour Analysis and a master’s degree in Behaviour Analysis and Therapy from Southern Illinois University. I am a Board Certified Behaviour Analyst at the doctoral level and have over 14 years experience working in the field of Applied Behaviour Analysis. Much of my research and clinical work is devoted to teaching language and social skills to children, adolescents, and adults with autism.

My main research interests involve investigations of verbal behavior including:

1) interventions to teach advanced verbal and social skills, such as perspective-taking,
2) factors that promote generalization of advanced verbal behaviours, and
3) educational interventions that use a verbal behaviour approach to teach advanced learners, such as college students.

My work incorporates aspects of several behaviour analytic theories of verbal behavior including Skinner’s verbal behavior, stimulus equivalence, and Relational Frame Theory.

Ortega, D., & Lovett, S. (2018). Derived textual control in a vocational activity schedule. Behavioral Interventions, 1-7.

Lovett, S., & Rehfeldt, R.A. (2014). An evaluation of multiple exemplar instruction to teach perspective-taking skills to adolescents with Asperger syndrome. Behavior Development Bulletin, 19, 22-36.

Barnes, C.S., Grannan, L.K., Lovett, S., & Rehfeldt, R.A. (2012). Behavior analytic interventions for individuals with autism spectrum disorders. Psicología, Conocimiento, y Sociedad, 2, 27-53.

Davlin, N.L., Rehfeldt, R.A., & Lovett, S. (2011). A Relational Frame Theory approach to understanding perspective-taking using children’s stories in typically developing children.  European Journal of Behavior Analysis, 12, 403-430.

Lovett, S., Rehfeldt, R.A., García, Y.A., & Dunning, J. (2011). Comparison of a stimulus equivalence protocol and traditional lecture for teaching single subject designs. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 44, 819-833.