Office of the Student Ombuds

Independent, impartial, confidential.

The Office of the Student Ombuds is an independent, impartial, and confidential office whose focus is to ensure undergraduate and graduate students at Brock University are treated fairly, equitably, and respectfully.

We provide safety, support, information, and guidance to students who are facing challenges that concern academic integrity, disciplinary, interpersonal, and financial issues.

What we do:

  • Listen to student concerns.
  • Identify and explain relevant Brock policies and procedures.
  • Help students understand the University system.
  • Discuss and evaluate next steps with students.
  • Give students tools to communicate and advocate for themselves.
  • Manage conflicts.
  • Use informal channels to help students resolve problems.

What we can’t do:

  • Take sides.
  • Attend meetings on student’s behalf.
  • Give legal advice or provide counseling services.
  • Address matters outside of the University (e.g., a landlord/tenant concern).
  • Disclose confidential information unless given permission.
  • Make decisions on behalf of the University.