Register online for President’s Forum meetings

Brock faculty and staff can now register online to attend one of the President’s Forum meetings being hosted by University President Jack Lightstone on Feb. 23 and 24.

The meetings will take place in Pond Inlet on Monday Feb. 23 from 3 to 4:30 pm, and on Tuesday Feb. 24 from 9 to 10:30 am.

At the forums, the President and Brock’s vice-presidents will present updates on the current environment of higher education in Ontario, and also hear comments and observations from faculty and staff.

Online registration is being used to facilitate optimum use of seats for each session. To register, go to and click on one of the ‘President’s Forum’ links.

The discussions will also be live-streamed. Go to, log in with your campus ID, click on the ‘Live Videos’ tab and select ‘The President’s Forum’.

Because of limited capacity for live-streaming, the sessions will also be recorded and posted online for later viewing.

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