Senate meeting this Wednesday Jan. 14

The January 2015 meeting of Senate will take place on Wednesday Jan. 14 at 3 p.m in the Sankey Chamber.

In his Report to Senate, President Dr. Jack Lightstone extends best new year wishes to all members of the Brock community and advises all of a “busy and weighty” semester for governance.

In the second year of an effort to result in a balanced budget Lightstone says that “the budget exercise for 2015-16 will put Brock on a more sustainable financial footing.” He says further that the findings of Senate’s Committee on Academic Program Review, a multi-year enrollment plan, and the current and next SMA will drive our agendas in the next months. Government action on funding formulae would be a key element in the success of the higher education sector.

In his report Lightstone makes suggestions on how funding could be revised. For the full report go to:

The Report of the Provost and Vice President Academic echoes the best wishes of the President and thanks the Brock community for its contributions of the past year. This report is essentially a review of the year gone by, highlighting the administrative review, the budget exercises, and contract negotiations. The Vice President reports that our sector should expect no increase in funding until the province’s deficit is eliminated and that the province will be looking at proposals for new programs with detailed scrutiny.

Lightstone says that new programs need to demonstrate “student demand; provide evidence that resources are in place; be convincing that it is not duplication of a program offered elsewhere; demonstrate that graduates will be in a competitive position for employment.” The report concludes that the government will be looking at Ontario’s universities from a “systems approach, with the government acting as the steward of the system.” The likely result will be further restrictions on autonomy of individual institutions.

Vice President Research Libben is optimistic in his report, citing the increase in research funding coming to Brock as a result of an emphasis on research culture. His report includes two figures that illustrate our university’s relative position with regard to Insight Grants.

Senator Diane Millar’s report from COU speaks to a number of topics: enrolment decline; sexual assault policies and responses; supports for indigenous students; on line courses. Faculty and students in particular should refer to the report at:

The report from the Board of Trustees lists its activities at its last meeting, including approval of:
· the Fiscal Year 2015-2016 long term capital and related planning activities, subject to funding approval from the Board of Trustees;
· the proposed fees and scholarships and awards as outlined in the Report to the Financial Planning, Investment and Human Resources Committee;
· 1) the capital and related project budget funding sources identified in Table 2 of the Report to the Financial Planning, Investment and Human Resources Committee and 2) that funding for the 2015-16 capital budget be released immediately to facilitate timely planning and execution of the identified projects;
· the margin for adverse deviation for the 2014 Pension Plan valuation being set at 0.05%, resulting in a discount rate of 6%;
· changes to the Occupational Health and Safety Policy.

The Committees of Senate recommend the following actions for Senate approval:

Governance Committee – changes to the Faculty Handbook that 1) limit the term of the University Librarian to two terms (10 years) to mirror the term for Deans; and 2) specifies the term for Associate Librarian to five years, renewable.

Graduate Studies – that Senate request the Library’s budget be increased to provide sufficient funding to reinstate the Wiley-Blackwell journal subscription (or equivalent) for 2015.

Scholarship and Research Committee – that the term of the Advanced Biomanufacturing Centre be approved for the remaining two years of the original five year mandate.

Academic Review Committee – 1) the addition of the Dublin City University of Ireland as a partner in the Bachelor of Business Administration Co-Op International Dual Degree program in the Goodman School of Business.
2) the addition of the NEOMA Business School of Franceas a partner in the Bachelor of Business Administration Co-Op International Dual Degree program in the Goodman School of Business.

Under Other Business Senate will
1) hear a report from the University Librarian regarding budget decisions;
2) discuss the qualities desired of a new President for Brock university and the challenges facing the university that will require the attention of the new President.

The full agenda and supporting materials are available at

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